So you might have noticed that recently my activity hasn't been all that high, in face I was pretty quiet on here for a little while ... Sure I was a little busy but it was more than that, I have just been a little tired as of late with everything I have had sort of a burnt out feeling, so I have been trying to broaden my horizons a bit and have been going out... not doing much mainly walking around going to coffee shops and pubs and sitting about but now that I have been doing that for a while and have managed to get some basic human interaction back in my life (however meagre) I feel once again fresh and raring for pretty much anything! Which is good because my University course starts back on the 21st...
God, its hard to tell the difference between Noxy and Reon when they are next to each other :]
North posted on September 10, 2015, 11:48:59 AMGod, its hard to tell the difference between Noxy and Reon when they are next to each other :]How so @North? Did they post a pic of themselves recently o.O?
* Wintermoot sighs
But I'm Andras, he's Asmodeus