Post #44734
August 28, 2015, 06:23:09 PM
So I sat down and did some budgeting today since my paycheck came in, and I'm very pleased to have my weekend job.
WIthout it, this annoying Care Credit bill would take a while to pay off, because I'd never get the ridiculous past due amount paid off, and they jack up the minimum payment to make it damn near impossible for my kind of income (which is minimum wage in my state on a bi-weekly 32 - 40 hour weeks, more in the middle of that lately, basis).
To add insult to injury, even if you make the minimum payment (at this point it's $110 a month), they put it towards the past due amount instead (at this time it's 201). So even if you put in $200 on in, they won't put it towards your current payment, and will put that $110 onto your past due as well as their $35 late fee. The only way to avoid both is to pay the exact full amount...which is fine unless you can only pay $50 a paycheck because of dwindling hours (or $100-110 a month). Which means they'd take $110 off your past due, slap on the $110 that you just "missed," and slap on another $35 for a late fee.
But with my weekend job, it's ensured that I'll have an extra $100-$150 to toss in on another bi-weekly basis, which means I could have anywhere from $200 to $250 a month to toss in if worse came to worse, and $350 to $400 a month to toss in if things keep steady enough. Which means I'd have that stupid past amount due paid off completely, and they'd have to knock my minimum payment down to $60 a month (which was what it originally was before they jacked it up after I missed a single payment when I was out of work).