Post #25517
November 18, 2014, 06:53:07 AM
So I am fighting some serious depression, apathy, and empathy. It's been a cycle between those three for the past few weeks...
I had to get off my medicine since my health insurance runs out at the end of the month. This is the second or third time I've cold turkey quit an SSRI, I know it's supposed to be a little bit dangerous. This is an obvious side effect of saying FUCK YOU BODY...I AINT WEENING SHIT!
Things are really rocky with me still...I turn 26 Wednesday. I have to work. I am not too happy about it. Today is my only day off this week and I've been out of commission because of my surgery this morning..My fucking mouth hurts. Bad. I am fuck all scared of dry socket so I haven't smoked weed today. Probably won't until my birthday. They said to lay off the sauce until at least tomorrow. So tomorrow will probably be a drunky day for me. A good way to bring in oh shit I am almost to 30 birthday.
My ex-girlfriend is still talking with me, we're "trying" at the moment? I don't even know what the fuck that means. We aren't together but I basically can't be with anyone else either. There's good days and bad days with her. Another cog in the machine that drives me mad. Having to stay around my mom today for an extended period almost killed me too. I love my mom, but she says every word possible to piss me off. I couldn't speak either half of today because my mouth was swollen and numb. I had gauze in my mouth and it made me really aggressive.
Anywho, that's me.