Post #24698
October 28, 2014, 02:42:49 PM
So my ex and I are going to meet up next week with a list of positives/negatives about the other person and see if it's worth trying again.
I'd like to, but we'd need a solid plan to work around the external circumstances that made us break up in the first place. Else, it's just not worth. We didn't break up because we didn't love each other, we broke up because of time constraints which drove us apart. Honestly, it was a little crazy how alike our thought processes are, we are in sync like we've never been with anyone else, even the break up was a joint decision initiated by both of us. And now both of us are unsure it was the right thing to do, lol.
To be honest, there's only three differences between us (aside from gender or other physical characteristics) that I can perceive off the top of my hat : I'm an abstract thinker, a reclusive academic, she is more down to Earth and sociable. I'm much more of a "work to live, not live to work" person while she is kind of a workaholic, and I can drink a lot of alcohol before feeling anything (my grandmother was Scottish - slàinte mhòr, motherfuckers) and she's drunk after 3 beers.
People are generally quite uninteresting to me. But she is to me. Maybe it won't work out in the end, maybe the spark won't reignite, in this case I'd like to keep a relationship with her, but I'd still like trying again. I don't know, I feel like what we had is worth fighting for, even in the trenches with mustard gas raining all around.