Post #23087
October 02, 2014, 03:19:43 PM
There is a single time where I had sleep paralysis (not apnea, although it apparently can cause it).
I hallucinated "walking" around my apartment in sepia tones. It felt like walking on the moon, gravity was completely distorted and I had to hold on to furniture to guide me around because apparently even though I could move forward with some struggle, I couldn't control the direction (I couldn't rotate, so to speak). I kept bumping into shit, wondering what the Hell was happening to me. For a brief moment, I thought I was dead and that my spirit was out of my body and trying to adjust itself to the physical world, hence the screwed up gravity and being unable to control the direction I was going in. I contemplated trying to teleport or fly myself to Paris or Tokyo or something to test my theory, but decided against it.
Then I felt myself pulled back to my body, realized I was just hallucinating but found out I was paralyzed from head to toe. Trying to move didn't work, it just hurt, which was really weird as I always thought paralysis meant that the nerves were deadened, so you couldn't feel pain. I suppose it isn't always so, however. Eventually it cleared up and I could move again. Amazingly, I managed to go back to sleep.
I've never been so freaked out and scared in my life. I have a friend who has SP on the regular and hallucinates killers, monsters and aliens and shit. Man I'd never fall asleep again if that happened to me a couple times.