Hmm, @Commander_Zemas, are you familiar with the way the mention system works?What I've just done there was mention you, and that leads to a PM being sent to you with the topic, and for those who allow it, and email too.
If we leave before they come on board, perhaps they could have a shuttle moving faster than us meet us somewhere? I don't know if that would make sense technologically, but if it does than it gives us a way to leave soonish.
I was wondering if we could post an example picture of our characters just to get an idea what each other look like. Also I want you to see what a scumbag I imagine Gunthar to be.It's my first time posting a picture, so let's see if I can figure out how to do it correctly.
Also, would your guy look that fat? Or is it just to give us an idea of his character?
I imagine Hendrik looking similar to Eric BanaSpoiler
That is correct. Try finding a young Eric Bana, though.