And yet 75% of people who responded to the study indicated their preference for the car to swerve, killing the passenger but saving the pedestrians.
The 75% (for swerving to save one human vs kill 10 pedestrians) is somewhat misleading, as about 25% of respondents to this said the algorithm should randomly choose whether or not to swerve, making about ~30% of respondents who said the car should just plow over the pedestrians and ~25% who would accept either outcome. (Yeah, those don't even total to 75%, it's an approximation - the 75% that is, the true stat is about ~65% if you look at their actual results)
Additionally, every situation given to the polled involved the tradeoff of 1 passenger for 1 or 10 pedestrians. This isn't my use case. If I'm driving I usually have myself, my ex-wife, my sister in law, and my 2 sons in the car. Fuck no, I'm not going to sacrifice them for strangers. I will swerve to avoid if I can, which might result in my death, I wouldn't intentionally kill the pedestrians, but I'd prioritize my own life and the life of my passengers.
In any case, as I alluded to before, the entire situation is hypothetical. It is entirely reasonable to believe that the car would be able to save both the passenger(s) and the pedestrian(s) in practically all circumstances.
This is an engineering problem, not a moral one. The question I would ask is "What can the car do to either prevent this situation or fix it if it occurs?". As an engineer, I would not decide to just plow over the pedestrians OR slam the car into a wall. It's a false dichotomy.
For example, the pedestrians didn't magically appear in front of a moving car. They walked there. Have the car slow down if it thinks pedestrians are going to get on the road. Self-driving cars have this already - they take into account the projected intentions of pedestrians that might enter the roadway and slow down, so they can stop to avoid a collision if necessary.
The AV will also be able to brake much faster - to the tune of at least 200 ms, than any human would. They might also be provided with braking systems that would be unsafe for a human to control - maybe front-side airbags of a sort, explosive braking.
The cars behind the AV also need to be taken into account - car debris is a much bigger road hazard than splattered pedestrians.
I'd also be worried about abuse of the system - what if you warmed up mannikins and put them in front of the car, killing its passenger by causing it to swerve? Hacking of this sort is probably going to happen.
Anyway, I don't think the question is as simple as the survey presented.