Post #42855
August 13, 2015, 11:42:22 PM
Hello, and welcome to Wintreath's first game of 40 questions! Like a normal game of 20 questions, a person can choose between an animal/person, place, or object. Every question asked will be in the form of a yes/no question, and the person answering can answer with "Yes," "No," or "I don't know." Lying is not allowed in this game, so if someone asks you a question, keep it truthful.
The way it'll start is I'll be the first to have a specific thing in mind. Players will ask their questions, and the person who guesses correctly will be the next to continue this round. Keep in mind that all questions asked will count as one each. That means that if you ask a question, and then someone else asks one, and then another, that will still count as 3 questions. This being the case, instead of it being a game of 20 questions, it will be doubled to 40.
Sound like fun? Well let's start!
You may begin your questions.