Re-Elect CoS![](
Yesss, come clossser
peonsss votersss! Enjoy the coffee and sssnacksss!
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Okay, now that we
both know you're not going anywhere, let's get down to brass tax.
I want to be re-elected to The Underhusen.
You want to come out of this thing alive. Maybe we can work something out that will benefit both of us. So here's what's gonna happen, you're going to vote for me and I'll let you live. Now, I don't know about you, but that sounds like a pretty good deal.
As an added bonus, I'll even tell you what my platform is. You see, last session I didn't accomplish what I set out to do. That doesn't sit well with me so I want to rectify this oversight. I still have more
violence to give. So above all, I want to get around to fixing our judicial system. That and I have my own disagreements with it. What? It's unfair that you don't have a fair chance of getting out of this? Okay, we'll settle this like men. I'll roshambo you for it!
Aww, sorry man. Looks like I won. Remember though, I'm doing this for
The Frozen Realm of Wintreath! ![(*)](