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Laurentus Campaign 3.0
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  • Yes indeed, that's precisely what I'm getting at. Or at the very least I think we should clearly delineate the functions of the legislature (or a selection thereof) from its judicial functions. I think that's an area that could do with a lot of work, especially if we move beyond simple criminal trials and move into the area of deciding on the constitutionality of bills. Though of course, that raises the question of conflict of interests, with the legislature deciding on the constitutionality of its own work, however if people are willing to wear their "judicial hats" rather than their legislative ones, then I don't see a problem.

    This is a concern that I myself have tried to address.  Take a look around in the CItizens Platform area for the bill I mentioned. 
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    Could you link me to the one you mean?
    Augustus Anumia
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  • Gov's bill has also been rejected by the Monarch/Administrator. He has stated that he does not approve of it, thus according to the Fundamental Laws, can not take effect or even pass.
    See you later space cowboy.
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    Gov's bill has also been rejected by the Monarch/Administrator. He has stated that he does not approve of it, thus according to the Fundamental Laws, can not take effect or even pass.
    That does not mean there might not be some unobjectionable aspects to it, or useful lessons to learn...
    1 person likes this post: Govindia
    Augustus Anumia
  • Former Citizen
  • Gov's bill has also been rejected by the Monarch/Administrator. He has stated that he does not approve of it, thus according to the Fundamental Laws, can not take effect or even pass.
    That does not mean there might not be some unobjectionable aspects to it, or useful lessons to learn...

    Exactly.  Read through the thread and how it turned out.  I have stated I have been open to suggestions to improve reform efforts and I am still open to any and all. 
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    Given Wintermoot's opposition, which seems to me to be reasonable: yes, the judiciary is usually inactive for about 95% of the time, and it is entirely possible that the judiciary is more often that not a source of arbitrary decisions (though I do not know how often such arbitrary decisions are reached in actual fact). Therefore, as a couple of other people have said, it is probably best to work with what we've got.

    I think it's part of the general consensus that the way things are set up at the moment is, shall we say, sub-optimal and could do with some simplification and streamlining.
    Augustus Anumia
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  • Should I get elected, or not get elected, I'm wiling to work with anyone who wishes to help modify my bill.
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  • I would personally like to work on a warning system. I imagine that some authorities would be delegated back to the Founder through a constitutional amendment, as currently the Founder and Founder's staff can only take action on the forums if something is illegal or violates a terms of service. On the other hand, the government or general community should retain some ability to reach conclusions that someone has committed actions that have either harmed or infringed on the community, or have committed specific offenses against the government (treason, release of classified info). Perhaps that would result in a for government offenses and one for community offenses. But that's just one idea...

    In fairness, I'm also somewhat more supportive of Reon/Joshua Bluteisen's proposal for the Monarchy to handle justice, perhaps similar to the NPO's system.

    Obviously I'm not a candidate, but I'm just saying it's one area I think we could work together on if you're re-elected. Best of luck. :)
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  • In fairness, I'm also somewhat more supportive of Reon/Joshua Bluteisen's proposal for the Monarchy to handle justice, perhaps similar to the NPO's system.

    Who are you and what have you done to WIntermoot?  Is that you Milo?  Did you finally infiltrate Wintreath and take over his account? 

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  • Just because I detest what they tried to do in Lazarus doesn't mean that I don't admire portions of their systems. The NPO is a meritocratic society like ours, and people only rise up after having proven their ability and loyalty. And in fairness, people like Milograd turned The Pacific to something that was very prestigious that people wanted to join, at least for a time.

    A few years back Charax and I even co-wrote "Commend The Pacific". :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • A few years back Charax and I even co-wrote "Commend The Pacific". :P

    To be fair though, that was when everyone thought they were a totally legit GCR that just had a mildly strange political setup.  Before it was publicly known that they were staging coups and attempting to seize other GCRs.  :P
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  • I very seriously considered joining The Pacific after I left Spiritus, since Charax was already there. How different things might have been if I had done that. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • Amusingly enough, The Pacific was one of the regions I joined for a very brief time during my first years in NS.

    I never joined their messageboard or anything like that though...since for some reason the whole thought of joining an off site board for a game was weird to me at the time.  :P
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  • But they should be admired for having a simple, effective government system. When staffed with the right people, it was a powerful and influential force. It's a shame that the ambitions of those people got the best of them.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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