Regional Analysis OngoingShare Your Thoughts about the Region!Greetings, nations of Wintreath!In case you are not aware, our regional Government is in the process of conducting a SWOT Analysis of the region so that we can pinpoint our regional strengths and improve our weaknesses. The gist of the analysis is that we come up with our regional strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (thus, SWOT). I would like to know your thoughts as a resident of the region, and there are two ways that you can participate and let your voice be heard! Citizens should check out this topic:, while non-Citizens can telegram their thoughts back to me either on this account or my main nation, Wintermoot. We want to keep the two groups separate because we understand that our on-forum Citizens and in-game residents may have different desires and concerns.Thank you for lending your voice to our region and helping to make it better for everyone!Also...I wanted to take a moment to congratulate the region on its two victories in the recent rock-paper-scissors tournaments. We have advanced very far into the tournament and could possibly win the whole thing! Our next fight will be against The Rejected Realms, the host of the tournament, inventor of this poll game, and overall excellent players. It will be a very tough fight that will doubtless be decided in the last few seconds of the polls, but I have faith that we will do our best. Either way, I'm very proud of our accomplishments! Check our region page for when the next poll is posted, which should be soon!And finally...In case you don't know, we will be having Underhusen elections in a few weeks! The Underhusen is the lower chamber of our regional legislature, which is elected by the people and represents the people of the region. Recently the Underhusen has debated bills ranging from regional holidays to judicial reform, and there's plenty for the next Underhusen to take up! If you would like to get involved in this exciting area of the region, you can start by reading our guide to getting started in the region:, specifically the portion on getting started in government. Nominations and campaigning will open up on the 25th, and the election will begin on the 1st, so stay tuned for those upcoming events!As always, thanks for making Wintreath your NS home!Yours,-Inric Nordrim Kestar (Wintermoot I of Wintreath)-Monarch and Founder of Wintreath