Post #30263
February 28, 2015, 01:45:01 PM
Really, really bad luck to lose our Seer so early two games in a row. But we overcame that last game, so not all is lost.
To our advantage, unlike last game, we still have Yugi, who can scan or defend on two nights, but who will probably want to scan rather than defend, given Wintermoot's loss. Plus, we've got the two defenders.
There's not much to go on, as usual this early in the game. I don't place much stock in Laurentus' vote against Wintermoot. Although I think he said it's his first game, so it's possibly a newbie mistake, I doubt the wolves would want to draw attention to him if he were one of them by killing Wintermoot.
Unless something pops up, I'll likely go with a random vote later.