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[IN QUEUE][GA] Chemical Weapons Accord
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Chemical Weapons Accord
    A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

    Category: International Security
    Strength: Mild
    Proposed by: Chester Pearson

    Description: The World Assembly,

    Acknowledging that nations may possess chemical weapons,

    Realizing that some nations use chemical weapons both domestically and during military conflict,

    Whilst understanding the massive casualties and long term environmental damage that these weapons may cause; also believing that small scale tactical defensive usage of these weapons is sometimes vital to the survival of smaller nations,

    For the purposes of this protocol "Chemical agents" shall be defined as:
    • "Chemical weapon": any substance that is used with the intention of causing death or severe harm to sapient beings, a habitable area or to the environment solely through the toxic chemical properties of such agent,
    • "Riot control agent": any chemical substance that is used with the intention of non-lethally incapacitating and subduing sapient beings solely through the chemical effects of such agent,
    The General Assembly hereby declares:

    1. The use of chemical weapons in any capacity that may injure or destroy military personnel, or the environment shall be limited to defensive or delaying operations of aggressive offensive military forces,

    2. The use of chemical weapons that have a reasonable probability of affecting civilian populations shall be prohibited,

    3. Member nations shall be permitted to utilize riot control agents, within the boundaries of current and future World Assembly legislation,

    4. Member nations shall take all measures necessary and practical in preventing the sale or transfer of chemical weapons from their own nation to any other party if that transfer is intended to facilitate the violation of the intentions and provisions of this act,

    5. Member nations shall take all necessary and available precautions to secure their chemical weapon stockpiles, to prevent their chemical weapon stockpiles from accidental release, and to prevent those stockpiles from falling into the hands of individuals whom have the intent to violate the intentions and provisions of this act,

    6. Member nations shall use all available means to ensure chemical weapons remain fully under state control; furthermore private individuals, and corporate entities shall be prohibited from possessing chemical weapons,

    7. The World Assembly Chemical Weapons Commission (WACWC) shall be re-tasked with the following mandate:

    A. To develop and maintain a library of known chemical weapons, and to share this information with any nations that request it,

    B. To assist member nations in establishing effective programs meant to defend against chemical weapons,

    C. To assist member nations in the voluntary decommissioning and destruction of their chemical weapons,

    D. To provide medical and humanitarian assistance to member nations subject to unprovoked offensive chemical weapon attacks, in cooperation with the International Humanitarian Aid Coordination Committee.

    Co-Authored by: The Dourian Embassy

    Monarch's Opinion: As I've oft-stated many times, I'm opposed to all GA proposals other than repeals, because of the effect that they have on all nations within it whether they agree with the resolution or not. Besides that, I think it'd just be interesting to watch people continue to struggle to adopt chemical weapons proposals, since this has been ongoing for a fair amount of time. For the most part, I don't see any new's mostly common-sense stuff that I would think most nations are already following anyways. I don't see the need for it to be legislated, and thus I am opposed.

    Recorded Votes: 3 Against, 1 For
    Wintermoot - Against
    Reon - For
    Chanku - Against
    Charax - Against
    « Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 05:01:35 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • While the terms aren't as broad as the others, I'm still against.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I'm against. Chester Pearson authored the Chemical Weapons protocol a few resolutions back, and it was so bad he co-authored the repeal immediately after. I think that speaks volumes about the faith we should have in his resolutions.
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