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10000 Islands
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  • Former Citizen
  • 10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update
    Date: September 2015
    Population: 1,783
    Delegate Endorsements: 406

    This is the Emissary Report for September, 2015


    - Grub: Founder and Chief Executive
    - Paffnia: Delegate
    - The Candy Lane: Minister of Immigration
    - Randomain: Minister of Education
    - Cerb: Minister of Labor
    - Lower Columbia: Senior Senator for New Republica South
    - Jintopia: Senator for Lyonnesse East
    - USSR / Hahiha: Senator for Blue Canaria North
    - Aersoldorf: Senator for Himes West

    Politics News
    - Paffnia (32 votes) and Witchcraft & Sorcery (10 votes) both ran for the office of Delegate. Paffnia won with a 22 vote lead. (

    - Paffnia stepped down from office as Minister of Labor so he could become Delegate. (

    - Cerb was appointed Minister of Labor. (

    - Aersoldorf (29 votes) and Dominion of Compassion (10 votes) ran for office of Himes West. Aersoldorf won with a 19 vote lead. (

    - Lower Columbia ran unopposed for the office of New Republica South with 36 votes for and 1 vote against. (

    - USSR/Hahiha (21 votes), Ketab (11 votes), and Boltainia (5 votes) all ran for the office of Blue Canaria North. USSR/Hahiha won with a 10 vote lead. (

    - NS224-1, “House of Louisistan”, passed 7 for, 1 abstention, and 1 against. Allows Louisistan to start his own house. (

    - NS225-1, “Elections Clarity Act”, passed 8 for and 1 abstention. Clears up rules regarding when nations take office after their election. (


    - Grub: Founder and Commander-in-Chief
    - Klopstock: Field Commander
    - Elite: Tactical Officer
    - Hame: Tactical Officer
    - Woonsocket: Tactical Officer EF
    - 13 Court Gaurd Squads: Executive Officer
    - Louisistan: Executive Officer

    TITO News

    - Klopstock was named Field Commander replacing Improving Wordiness who was the last Field Commander.

    - Louisistan stepped down from being a Tactical Officer and was renamed Executive Officer alongside 13 Court Gaurd Squads.

    - Kanta Hame was appointed as a new Tactical Officer.

    - Before taking Delegacy of 10000 Islands, Paffnia earned his 250th Battle Star and was named TITO Knight Marshall Commander.

    - Hogwarts was liberated and refounded in a joint operation of 10000 Island Treaty Organization and Lazarene Liberation Army, taking Hogwarts away from the paws LWU. (

    - 10000 Islands Treaty Organization launched a counter-offensive on LWU, taking LWU’s region for a few minutes, a decisive battle in the LWU-TITO war. (


    Population Rank: 10th
    Total Telegrams Sent: 14999
    Total Points: 37414
    Total Recruited Nations: 499
    Average Success Rate*: 2.58%
    (-1.37%, compared to August 2015)

    - Witchcraft and Sorcery was appointed Deputy Minister of Immigration.


    University Classes Offered

    - Conversational German
    (1 course offered)

    Education News

    - Boltainia’s mock trial has started. (


    - The Depart of Labor is in a transitional phase as Cerb takes the reign from Paffnia.

    Around the Islands

    - Werewolf 45: Super Mario + Duck Hunt was won by the by the Koopalings (wolves) and Duck #3. (

    - Boltainia started a new game where users choose how the game plays out. (

    Written by USSR / Hahiha
  • Former Citizen
  • The October update will arrive by Nov 16th fingers crossed. I want to apologize on behalf of XKI, our senator in charge of updates is a little lost. Hopefully next update will be more detailed.
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the September update! There's no reason to apologize for October's being late...I don't think many regions are all that timely with their foreign updates. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,502
    • Karma: 9,715
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • 10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update
    Date: October 2015
    Population: 2,016
    Delegate Endorsements: 549

    This is the Emissary Report for October, 2015


    - Grub: Founder and Chief Executive
    - Paffnia: Delegate
    - Randomain: Minister of Education
    - The Candy Lane: Minister of Immigration
    - Witchcraft and Sorcery: Deputy Minister of Immigration
    - Cerberion: Minister of Labor
    - Dominion of Compassion: Deputy Minister of Labor
    - Lower Columbia: Senior Senator for New Republica South
    - Jintopia: Senator for Lyonnesse East
    - USSR / Hahiha: Senator for Blue Canaria North
    - Aersoldorf: Senator for Himes West

    Politics News
    - NS227-1, “Exchanging Embassies with The North Pacific”, passed 9 for, 0 abstentions, and 0 against. LINK

    - NS227-2, “Closure of 7 inactive embassies”, passed 9 for, 0 abstentions, and 0 against. LINK

    - NS227-3, “Exchanging Embassies with Taijitu”, passed 7 for, 0 abstentions, 0 against, and 2 for delegate’s prerogative. LINK

    - Dominion of Compassion was hired as the Deputy Minister of Labor. LINK


    - Grub: Founder and Commander-in-Chief
    - Klopstock: Field Commander
    - Elite: Tactical Officer
    - Kanta Hame: Tactical Officer
    - Woonsocket: Tactical Officer EF
    - Louisistan: Executive Officer
    - Barry: Executive Officer

    TITO News

    - Barry was appointed as Executive Officer, replacing 13 Court Gaurd Squads.

    - Louisistan and Hoodhat were all Knighted, becoming the 79th and 80th TITO Knights, respectively.

    - Klopstock was awarded the New Boniventure Eagle for spotting 10 separate invasion.

    - Boltor reached his 400th mission and was awarded the TITO Knight Fleet Commander medal, Echolilia reached his 300th mission and was awarded the TITO Knight Legion Commander medal, and finally Elite reached his 150th mission and was awarded the TITO Knight Battalion Commander medal.


    Population Rank: 10th
    Total Telegrams Sent: 19,133
    Total Points: 47,782
    Total Recruited Nations: 607
    Average Success Rate*: 2.52
    (-0.06%, compared to September 2015)

    - Escanaba took over Woonsocket as the person with the most total recruits and most confirmed recruits.


    University Classes Offered

    - Conversational German
    (1 course offered)

    Education News

    - Byzesion was named Dean of the University. LINK


    - Ayunli was replaced as Regional Reserve Chair(wo)man by Woonsocket and Aersoldorf as his Deputy. In honor of her service, she was awarded the Order of the Islands medal. LINK

    Around the Islands

    - 10000 Islands visited Texas over the weekend of October 16th – 18th. LINK

    - The House of Improving Wordiness made a comeback with the return of Wordy and won the House Cup and Shield, meanwhile The House of Aersoldorf won the House Scepter. LINK

    - Ledarnia was chosen as the Rookie of the Quarter for the last quarter in 2015. LINK

    - 10000 Islands survived the zombie apocalypse, ranked 16th for the most survivors with 1.08 trillion survivors. LINK
    « Last Edit: November 16, 2015, 10:23:27 PM by Frozen »
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update, Frozen. :)

    See how XKI recruited to almost 20,000 nations last month? We need to be on that level too. :P

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,502
    • Karma: 9,715
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen

  • 10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update
    Date: January 2016
    Population: 1,876
    Delegate Endorsements: 631

    This is the Emissary Report for January 2016:


    - Grub: Founder and Chief Executive
    - Paffnia: Delegate
    - The Candy Lane: Minister of Immigration
    - Markanite: Minister of Education
    - Cerb: Minister of Labor
    - Jintopia: Senior Senator for Lyonnesse East
    - Witchcraft and Sorcery: Senator for Himes West
    - Control: Senator for Blue Canaria North
    - Dominion of Compassion: Senator for New Republica South

    Politics News
    - Lower Columbia and USSR/Hahiha declined to run for reelection. Thank you for your service as Senators!

    - Control (37 votes) ran unopposed for the office of Blue Canaria North and won 37-1. (

    - Dominion of Compassion (26 votes) and Flemingisa (11 votes) ran for office of New Republica South. Dominion of Compassion won with a 15 vote lead. (

    - With the election of Senators Dominion of Compassion and Control, the Mayor Shelter Political Party had a majority of five votes on the Council of Nine for roughly 20 hours until Randomain stepped down as Minister of Education. Thank you for your service!

    - NS229-1, "Homesteading," passed 9 for and 0 against. Helps new nations participate in the economy as soon as they join, instead of waiting for stocks to mature.

    - NS230-1 "Mandatory Delegate Voting Rules," failed 1 for and 8 against. Would have formalized the forum poll to decide Delegate WA votes.

    * A priest went into a Taco Island barbershop, got his hair cut and asked how much he owed. "No charge, Father," the barber said. "I consider it a service to the Lord." when the barber arrived at his shop the next morning, he found a dozen small prayer booklets on the stoop along with a thank you note from the priest. A few days later a police officer came in. "How much do I owe you?" the cop asked after his haircut. "No charge, officer," the barber answered. "I consider it a service to my community." The next morning the barber found a dozen doughnuts on the stoop along with a thank you note from the police officer. A few days after that, a Senator walked in for a haircut. "How much do I owe you?" he asked afterward. "No charge," the barber replied. "I consider it a service to my region." The next morning when he arrived at the shop, the barber found a dozen Senators waiting on the stoop. *


    - Grub: Founder and Commander-in-Chief
    - Klopstock: Field Commander
    - Elite: Tactical Officer
    - Hame: Tactical Officer
    - Woonsocket: Tactical Officer EF
    - Barry: Executive Officer
    - Louisistan: Executive Officer

    TITO News
    - 13 Court Gaurd Squads stepped down from being an Executive Officer. Thanks for your service, 13CGS!

    - Barry was appointed as a new Executive Officer.

    - Barry earned his 100th Battle Star and was named TITO Knight Commander.

    - Klopstock reached 20 invasions spotted and received the Second New Boniventure Eagle Award. Control and 13 Court Gaurd Squads earned their 100th Battle Star and were named TITO Knight Commanders.

    - Kanaia earned his 200th Battle Star and was named TITO Knight Master Commander.

    - A number of TITO members received medals during TITO Medal Day 2015. Escanaba earned a well-deserved Meritorious Service Medal for exemplary conduct and leadership as a member of TITO. Elite, Klopstock, Louisistan, Dominion of Compassion, and Lower Columbia received the Quick Reaction Force pin for consistently attending updates. All current TITO members were awarded the TITO Steadfast Badge for displaying TITO's core qualities of Loyalty, Honesty, Friendship and Steadfast Commitment.

    * The sergeant-major growled at the young soldier, "I didn't see you at camouflage training this morning." "Thank you very much, sir." *


    Population Rank: 11th
    Total Telegrams Sent: 12687
    Total Points: 31642
    Total Recruited Nations: 404
    Average Success Rate: 3.71%

    [img style="max-width:100%;" src=""]


    - Markanite was appointed the new Minister of Education after Randomain's resignation. (

    University Classes Offered
    - Conversational German
    (1 course offered)

    * A linguistics professor said, "A double negative forms a positive.
    In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative."
    A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, right." *

    Around the Islands

    - The Unofficial Spam Page, running since April of 2011, has passed 6,200 pages. (

    - Lansreda has started an experimental Pixel Risk game, which functions like Risk on a map of a country divided into dots. (

    Compiled by Control
    « Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 08:26:21 PM by Frozen »
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thanks for the update, cutie! :D

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,502
    • Karma: 9,715
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • 10000 Islands Monthly Emissary Update
    Date: June 2016
    Population: 1,986
    Delegate Endorsements: 610

    This is the Emissary Report for June 2016:


    -Chief Executive: Grub
    -Delegate: Louisistan
    -Foreign Affairs Secretary: Elite
    -Minister of Immigration: The Candy Lane
    -Minister of Education: Markanite
    -Minister of Labor: Cerb
    -Senator for New Republica South: Dominion of Compassion
    -Deputy Senator for New Republica South: Odrin
    -Senator for Himes West: Barry
    -Senator for Lyonnesse East: Ardreas
    -Senator for Blue Canaria North: Isles de Taylor


    Commander-in-Chief: Grub
    Field Commander: Klopstock
    Tactical Officers: Kanta Hame, Witchcraft and Sorcery
    Tactical Officer EF: Woonsocket
    Executive Officer: Barry

    TITO News
    -Woonsocket was awarded his 300th battle star, congrats Woonsocket!
    -Ananke II was awarded his 250th battle star, congrats Ananke II!
    -Control has stepped down from the Tactical officer post, thank you for your services Control.
    *‘What were you in civilian life, soldier?’ ‘Happy, sir.’*


    Population Rank: 11th
    Total Telegrams Sent: 134999
    Total Points: 62581
    Total Recruited Nations: 963
    Average Success Rate: 3.66%


    Byzesion has now stepped down as Deans of the University , he has also been awarded the Fleeb University Award for his contribution and services to the University. Thank you for your service to the University!

    University Classes Offered
    - University Board Game club was started
    (1 course offered)
    *Teacher: You copied from Fred's exam paper didn't you ?
    Pupil: How did you know ?
    Teacher: Fred's paper says "I don't know" and you have put "Me, neither"!

    Around the Islands

    - The Unofficial Spam Page, running since April of 2011, has reached 6,283 pages. (

    • Posts: 11
    • Karma: 1
    • Village Drifter
    • Logged
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Thank you for the update :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,502
    • Karma: 9,715
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • [align=center]
    The World Assembly Delegate for 10000 Islands[/align]
    A Statement on “Liberate California”:

    This past weekend, notorious invader General Knot has presented a draft to the Security Council, in which he claims that the Ten thousand Islands Treaty Organisation (TITO) is in the process of passwording the region of California without native consultation. This is blatantly untrue. The long-time natives of California have been involved in all discussions regarding the fate of California. General Knot has yet to present the Council with evidence to the contrary. Of the three native nations he lists, two have sadly CTE and are thus unable to testify as to their involvement, while the third one left California during the last occupation, quite probably in frustration about the continued attacks on their homeland.

    Outside the actual draft, but inside the drafting thread, Knot goes on to accuse TITO and the Yggdrasil Defence Service (YDS) of trying to refound California in order to keep it as a trophy. This completely ignores historic facts. Whenever TITO was involved in a refound operation of an active region, the region has been returned to native control. Notable examples include Australia, and Deutschland. TITO has never kept any trophy regions, except when orchestrating hostile refounds of invader regions. California is not an invader region and as such there is no danger of it ending up as a TITO trophy. Organisations that do keep trophy regions include raiders such as the Black Hawks and the now not only defunct but also forbidden organisation of DEN. Knot still prides himself on the rank he held in the latter, despite the site staff’s large-scale intervention against DEN for multiple and repeated rule-breaking behaviour, citing a “culture of rule-breaking [that] has become institutionalised” in DEN (Sedgistan).

    It is patently obvious that Knot does not have the best interests of California natives at heart. After all, he had absolutely no objections when DEN occupied the region, passworded it and reduced the regional population to the single-digit numbers. He also showed no respect for the long-term natives he’s claiming to represent when he was involved in the invasion of California by “The Invaders” last week. This is simply a cheap attempt at tarnishing the reputation of TITO and YDS, while providing no evidence to back up his claims. He is purely interested in keeping California open for future invasions.

    We will not let this cheap attempt at slander keep us from supporting native communities in securing their regions.

    WA Delegate, 10000 Islands
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    • Village Drifter
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  • Village Drifter

  • NationStates
    Link to this dispatch:
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • I wouldn't worry about this...Knot/Ivo is a blatant raider propagandist, to the point that he had to be told not to do it in non-gameplay areas like technical by administration. Besides regions that would have political or ideological reasons for doing so, I can't imagine regions would actually agree with the interpretation of the resolution.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,502
    • Karma: 9,715
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • @Reon, please vote against on this.
    1 person likes this post: Chanku

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,502
    • Karma: 9,715
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Village Drifter
  • Thanks a lot.
    • Posts: 11
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    • Village Drifter
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  • Former Citizen
  • @Reon, please vote against on this.
    Will do, boss!
    Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.
    • Posts: 2,089
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    • Follow the Truth, whoever that may be.
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      Wintreath Nation
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