10000 Islands Monthly Emissary UpdateDate: August 2015
Population: 1,761
Delegate Endorsements: 311
Forum: 10000islands.proboards.com
This is the Emissary Report for August, 2015Politics
- Grub: Founder and Chief Executive
- Aersoldorf: Delegate
- The Candy Lane: Minister of Immigration
- Randomain: Minister of Education
- Paffnia: Minister of Labor
- Lower Columbia: Senior Senator for New Republica South
- Jintopia: Senator for Lyonnesse East
- USSR / Hahiha: Senator for Blue Canaria North
- Barry: Senator for Himes West
Politics News- Boltainia stepped down from office and Barry was chosen to fill in his position
- Grub: Founder and Commander-in-Chief
- Elite: Tactical Officer
- Klopstock: Tactical Officer
- Louisistan: Tactical Officer
- Woonsocket: Tactical Officer EF
- 13 Court Gaurd Squads: Executive Officer
TITO News- Thanks to Almonaster, Randomain, Renisia, Coreyo, and Paffnia for designing new banners for TITO
LINK Immigration
Population Rank: 10th
Total Telegrams Sent: 15530
Total Points:
Total Recruited Nations: 614
Average Success Rate*: 3.95%
(+0.61%, compared to July 2015)

- Prizes will be awarded to Escanaba, Hoodhat, and The Candy Lane for their efforts this month as part of the August Recruitment Frenzy. The top recruiter will receive 30,000 Tacos, the runner up 20,000, and the runner-up-to-the-runner-up will receive 10,000 Tacos.
University Classes Offered- Conversational German
(1 course offered)Education News- Byzesion was chosen as the Deputy Dean for XKI University
LINK- Dean Flemingisa is hosting monthly debates
LINK- Witchcraft and Sorcery was awarded the Fleeb University Award
- The Mad Islander released their first edition of the highly fabled newspaper
LINK- Jintopia is hiring a Deputy for Lyonesse East
LINK- Ayunli is looking for a Deputy Regional Reserve Chair(Wo)Man
LINK- Designers are still needed to make a statue for Klopstock
LINKAround the Islands
- Louisistan was granted his own house by the Council of Nine
LINK- The Prolific Posting contest was won by the House of Aersoldorf, with Aersoldorf posting a majority
LINK- Jintopia has brought themed avatar months to XKI
LINK- USSR / Hahiha was selected as the new Emissary to France
LINK- A new poke feature was added to the forums
LINK- Markanite updated the list of Ministers
LINK- August 14th was Distinguished Service Medal day, commemorating all those who have earned it
LINK- XKI Casino hosted a new game where patrons had to pick random items to catch the Tuna on the loose in the Casino
LINK- Voting is open to commemorate fallen TITO Knights by choosing what mausoleum they shall rest in
LINKWritten by USSR / Hahiha