Post #25867
November 25, 2014, 05:27:53 AM
Austria's unique ability is that it can pay gold to annex or puppet city states it's been allied to for five turns...with all the city-states around in our games, that would be pretty neat to do without having to outright conquer them. It also has an okish windmill replacement (+2 production, +5% production, +25% great person generation) and the Hussar, which is cavalry with more movement and some promotions. Austria also has a start bias in hills, which I think might improve my chances of starting out in an area with high production capacity.
Poland's unique ability is that it gets a free social policy every era for a total of 7 if we completed the game, which I think would play into my style. It also has the Winged Hussar, which is a lancer replacement with extra strength and some promotions, and it has stables which produce +1 production and gold for each pasture tile as well as the XP and production boost for mounted units.
I also thought of Egypt, if nothing else because the 20% wonder production bonus is REALLY tempting, and the burial tomb temple replacement isn't bad maintenance, +2 faith, +2 happiness, and all the potential perks that religious beliefs can give to temples. The downside is that its unique unit becomes obsolete very quickly, long before there's much action in the game.