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Citizenship Application from the Algonquian Nations
Posts: 8 Views: 659

Sachém Uióndánš
  • Former Citizen
  • Sachém
  • Section I: Basic Information

    1) What is the name of your Wintreath nation?

    The Federation of Algonquian Nations

    2) What is your World Assembly nation? If you don't have one or are WA mobile, state so.

    Not members of the WA.

    3) Do you have nations in any other regions? If so, where?

    We control no other People.  We are openly in an Alliance with a neighboring nation, the Kingdom of Scow Creek, in the Region of 10,000 Islands.

    4) Do you serve in any official roles in any other regions or organizations? If so, what are they?


    5) Are you new to NationStates?

    Three Weeks

    6) What timezone are you in?

    Eastern US

    7) How did you find out about Wintreath?

    Telegram upon founding nation

    Section II: Interests

    Based on your answers, we will help you get involved in any aspect of the region that you are interested in! Indicating interest here does not commit you to joining any aspect of the region. You will be asked to sign up for relevant areas once you are a Citizen to confirm you still want to join it.

    1) Would you like to serve in Wintreath's military, the Hvitt Riddaral?

    Only in Defensive Operations.

    2) Are you interested in joining the Civil Service?


    3) Would you like to be part of roleplays on the forums?


    4) Are you interested in joining a regional Minecraft server?


    5) What other interests do you have?

    Please see section II below for some background on our outlook.

    Section II: Introductions and Questions

    Please take a moment to introduce yourself to your future region-mates, or ask us any questions that you may have.

    The Federation of Algonquian Nations is the result of several years of deliberate and serious discussions between a number of First Nations Peoples in the North Atlantic. The decision by three of the participating nations to enter into a Federation in August 2015 was sparked by the discovery of the Biological-Toxins-for-Guns plot undertaken by the nation of Qúpsóg. That incident convinced the nations that they must stand together in defense of the Earth and Waters.

    All three founding nations share a common heritage. Their earliest history was oral, passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation, and as far back as their collective memory can reach, they have lived at the sea's edge. A common creation story holds that they were born on the back of the Great Turtle, as children of the Sky Goddess. They thrived on the bounty of the sea: whales, fish, and shellfish, which for thousands of years provided the bulk of their diet. Many were whalers, challenging the mighty sea from dugout canoes long before the arrival of the big ships, long before the arrival of Other Peoples, long before the establishment of the Continental Federation.

    We continue to discuss the membership of the federation among the greater family of Algonquian Peoples.  However, the Federation currently encompasses three related people:

    The Šíníqoq Nation is a small, fiercely independent First Nations People located on a 1,250-acre peninsula and an adjacent barrier beach off of the eastern shore of the Continental Federation. They migrated here about 300 years ago, having previously lived on the barrier beaches further to the west.
    Their form of government - a community based on universal suffrage, decision by consensus, and a 7-member Tribal Council led by a Sachém – became the model that the Federation adopted. The Šíníqoqs resent the intrusion of the outside world, and have developed their own tribal community center, health center, family preservation and Native Peoples education center, museum, playgrounds for our children, and apprenticeships so that their children can learn the traditional seafaring ways of their ancestors. As a rule, they have historically kept to themselves and avoided entanglements with outside nations in order to preserve our cultural practices and values, including the inviolable sacredness of the Earth, the Waters, and their Living Beings that sustain our own lives. Their affirmative entry into the Federation represents a change – and an indication as to the seriousness of the threats they see to the earth.

    The Nášígánsét Nation is the largest of the three component nations, and live on the peninsula on which their people have lived for over 1,000 years. Located about 50 miles northeast of the Šíníqoqs, they have had more interaction with outside Peoples in the Continental Federation; they have also, historically, been open to allowing non-first-nation peoples to become part of their community. A recent Sachém remarked, “We are a Nation, not a Race.” The Nášígánséts are regionally known for holding the largest known Native Powwow, and event dating back to at least 1635.

    The Áquínóq Nation is the most remote of the three nations, being located on the Island of Noepe out n deeper ocean waters. Their oceanic location made the Áquínóqs masters of whaling, and their lore speaks of the Giant Mošup who created their homeland and battled whales. Like the Nášígánséts, the Áquínóqs have dwelled in their current homeland for over 10 centuries. They are master wampum craftsmen, operate a state-of-the art shellfish hatchery, and hold a festival each fall honoring the native wild cranberry crop and the colorful Clay Cliffs of their shores that serve as an iconic landmark for mariners.

    Each nation elects their own local leaders to handle internal matters according to their nation’s traditions. Together, the people of all three nations elect a 7-member Federation Council, and one Supreme Sachém overall. The current Sachém is Sachém Uióndánš from the Šíníqoq Nation.

    While generally taking a non-aligned and neutral stance towards most international affairs, the Šíníqoq Nation has a strong defensive alliance with the non-first-nation Kingdom of Scow Creek, with whom they share a common border.

    This Alliance was reached when the plot, mentioned above, was uncovered.  The Šíníqoq Nation issued the following Statement:

    Statement from the Šíníqoq Tribal Council on Events in Qúpsóg

    It has been the position of this Nation to extend the hand of friendship and respect to all Nations. In so doing, and by turning our focus on our own community, we have survived as a Sovereign People for thousands of years. It is not for light or frivolous reasons that we should stray from this path.

    However, recent events that have taken place in the waters to the west have grieved our spirits. Our Sustaining Mother Earth cries out to her children, and we can not be silent.

    We weep over the destruction of the waters and lands and fellow creatures.

    We have seen the nesting grounds of our Terns destroyed. We have seen the shellfish that have sustained our people laid waste. And now we have seen great ships carrying evil to all of Life in pursuit of Greed and Destruction.

    In response,

    We call for an end to the Evil being spread in the name of the Governing Club of Cupsogue.
    We call for an end to the Greed that is driving the Woodhouse Financial Corporation.
    We call for an end to use of our waters to carry Our Mother’s Children to their Torture and Death at Fort Terry.
    And, towards those ends, we declare that our People will stand firm with the People of the Kingdom of Scow Creek.
    As the Sun Rises on the People of Šíníqoq and Sets on the People of Scow Creek, so shall the Sun above bear witness of this Alliance to Rid our Mother of the Evil dwelling between us.

    Sachém of The Šíníqoq Nation

    Sachém Uióndánš
    • Sachém
    • Posts: 152
    • Karma: 18
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Passes Admin Security Check
    • Posts: 1,520
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      Wintreath Nation
    Thê Bläck Heårted Røgué
  • Former Citizen
  • The Sarcastically Divine
  • Welcome to Wintreath!  ;D

    um…you're nations' history is pretty cool, but not necessary XD

    Love it anyway  :P
    Feliciana Anthousa Shadowhowl
    • The Sarcastically Divine
    Thê Bläck Heårted Røgué
    • Posts: 418
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Wow...I think you're definitely going to want to consider the nation roleplay when it comes out. :P

    In any case, welcome to the region! While you're waiting for approval, feel free to post around in the Frozen Village of Fourneshore, which is open to applicants. And if you have any questions, just ask us. :)

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,498
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Altross
  • Greetings, Sachém!

    This Citizenship Application is Accepted and Approved. :D
    Welcome to Wintreath and I Hope You Enjoy Your Stay!

    Such an interesting background you have. ;)

    Military : Sign-Up : Wintreath Hvitt Ridarral; Skydande Vakt

    The HR is our update 'strike' force, whereas the SV is our piling 'support' force.

    The Civil Service : TCS is where citizens like you can help our Jarls, ministers, and the region in general. Sign-Up

    If you want to help out in the region, start there. :)

    Also : RolePlaying;

    Families : Family Roster & Sign-Up

    Families are kind of a roleplay thing, but they exist all through NationStates. To create a family, just say you're starting one and create a name for yourself, or you can join an existing family if you're close to someone already in one and they'll adopt you.

    Apart from that you can take part in our General Discussions Forum, Wintreath's IRC, the chat area, or #wintreath on :P

    For Questions : Ask Me or Wintermoot about anything via this thread; Private Messaging; Or IRC - Azkevja (ME)

    - Your Therapist,

    • Altross
    • Posts: 1,163
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      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Paragons
  • Welcome!  I'm happy to see you put so much thought and work into just the simple citizenship app!  I think you'll fit in great here.
    • Posts: 1,760
    • Karma: 373
    • Paragons
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Welcome to our region again, you should be masked as a Citizen now. :)

    Something you should be aware of...our security check shows that an account associated with your email was compromised in a hacker attack on another website in February 2014. If you're using the same password here or anywhere else as you were using at the time, you're highly recommended to change it. Let me know if you have any questions about this or anything else.
    1 person likes this post: Sachém Uióndánš

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,498
    • Karma: 9,712
    • Weather: ❄️
    • Regional Stability Squad
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • Welcome to Wintreath!

    As has been mentioned by others, I am sure you will enjoy our roleplay forums!
    • Posts: 732
    • Karma: 58
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
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      Wintreath Nation
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