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A newspaper outlet
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  • I don't really understand why are debating about this...
    In my perception our region lacks culture...and approximately only 20-30 people are active from 500+ citizens.
    Why not giving a chance on something new...I understand that it might be hard to moderate etc.
    But why not bringing something that everyone might enjoy?

    All we do is rejecting good ideas, and finding always justifications to deny them.
    Ok I really understand that our methods have proven to have a great potencial, but saying no to everything is not the way.

    I understand the fact that we are a new region, but if we don't give a little boost in our life, no matter what way.
    Even inside here, we are doomed to live in the monotony of everyday life. And let me tell you, that being part of Wintreath changed entirely, the way I percepted things, and changed entirely my life :')

    And life my gals sucks! Stark has proven to be a brilliant man, with unique and special ideas...And as far as I know, being unique is the way to differ from ordinarity....this is what you guys tought me :)
    We don't have why to follow and do strictly what other regions do...We must keep our uniqueness, our own identity.

    By saying no to everything we make no progress, but we are doomed to suffer on our own shell. :/
    Potencial ideas must be used for the sake of our progress and uniqueness..

    That's all I had to say, good luck Stark!
    « Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 06:30:41 PM by 'Harry McClain' »
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  • Harry just shush and show us that bod :P

    But seriously, I think you have a valid point. As do Mootles and co., it would be nice to see the forum streamlined. I suggest a compromise. How about Moot installs Wordpress (or something along that) onto the site and allows Stark and whomever else to publish their work on it. You could link it in a single thread, sticky'd, and could bump it whenever there was an update.

    A little non-traditional, but maybe something that can work for everyone?
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  • Winter was blessed, watching it :P
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  • I was indeed blessed. :P

    The problem is, I'm not familiar with Wordpress, and that would be another portion of the website I would have to maintain for one paper...I also don't think that's what Stark wants, unless Wordpress has abilities I'm not familiar with. I think he's wanting an area for multiple topics for him to work on stuff and post seperate articles.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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  • I was indeed blessed. :P

    The problem is, I'm not familiar with Wordpress, and that would be another portion of the website I would have to maintain for one paper...I also don't think that's what Stark wants, unless Wordpress has abilities I'm not familiar with. I think he's wanting an area for multiple topics for him to work on stuff and post seperate articles.


    * Jonewest is super jealous

    Hrmm..Just an idea. Wordpress is super easy to install though, and completely able to be administrated from the front end :/
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  • Even the regional publications don't have their own forums...they're done as part of the Civil Service forum. In the regions which have forums for private media, those forums are usually very inactive and dead. It has been expressed by the Citizens of the region that the forums should be streamlined, including not having subforums which can be merged elsewhere or are otherwise dead. If I were to approve your request, I would have to also approve it for everyone else, resulting in a lot of dead forums.

    I'll let your statement that the RP forums aren't very important in comparison stand as it is.

    Also as has been stated before, we don't take donations in exchange of favours. Donators are treated as fairly as other members of the community.

    Edit: And what Denth said.

    Favours? I am hardly asking to be the Crown Prince!

    This bizarre decision will mean I am unlikely to do the newspaper that I wanted to which is annoying.

    Also cash for small favours seems like a good way to raise money for the upkeep of the region if you ask me.
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  • Cash for small favours is a good way of opening the door to future trouble, for example if a donator didn't get something they wanted, or something didn't turn out in a donator's favour. I'm happy to accept help for the upkeep of the region, but I'd rather have it with no strings attached.

    It's hardly a bizarre're free to do a paper, we just can't provide a dedicated forum for it at this time when our emphasis is on reducing or eliminating small forums and small forums, something that the region indicated it wanted. I regret if it keeps you from starting a paper, but considering Wuufu is able to do a paper without a dedicated forum I don't see how it's bizarre or unfair.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • This is tough. I see both sides here. :(

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