Post #21868
September 18, 2014, 11:30:12 AM
I think the legalization of weed is coming in the United States, it's just a matter of when. The problem we face at the moment is how to regulate it. It's one thing to say that "it's not much different than alcohol, and that's legal, so why should weed regulations be any different", and I don't disagree. But there is a small difference between the two that is causing a big problem. The problem law enforcement is having is that there is no way to measure marijuana intoxication. It's easy to measure alcohol intoxication at any given moment, since alcohol is metabolized out of your blood fairly quickly, so when you blow a .08 on a breathalyzer, it's obvious that you have had a few drinks very recently, and you can be busted for drunk driving, etc. You can't do that with weed. After you smoke weed, THC can be detected in your blood for several days, well after you sober up. At present, all law enforcement needs to know is if THC is present. That is all they need to bust you (barring probable cause for search and seizure). For that reason, it is very difficult to actually measure intoxication at any given moment. Once we can figure that out, then Bob's your uncle. But this is just one of many reasons why many states, as well as the federal government, are hesitant to give it the OK.
As for the harder drugs (meth, heroin, cocaine, etc.), I cannot support legalizing those in any way.