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The "What Furry Things Are You Into" Survey
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  • Regional Stability Squad
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  • Today I ran into, which is an awesome page summarizing what furries are and what they like to do to debunk a lot of the shitty things people say about furries. It also has some surveys to help it collect stats, and I thought it'd be cool to post part of one of them to see what sort of things our group are into. :)

    Copy and paste this into a new post. For each category, just you can just answer yes or no, but feel free to elaborate if you'd like to! The whole purpose of this survey is to get a feel for what sort of furry things the people in our club are into:

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    [b]Howling Bells - What do Furries Do Survey?[/b]
    [i][size=8pt]Based off the categories on [url][/url][/size][/i]

    Are you into...?

    [b]Actor[/b]: You like to roleplay as furry characters.
    [b]Adult[/b]: You're interested in adult/sexual themes/activites involving furry characters.
    [b]Artist[/b]: You like to draw, write, or create other kinds of art with furry themes.
    [b]Animal Lover[/b]: You love animals, and enjoy looking at the animal artwork that furries produces.
    [b]Connoisseur[/b]: You love art in general, and that includes furry art.
    [b]Dealer[/b]: You make money by selling artwork, writing, or something else in the furry community.
    [b]Escapist[/b]: You use furrydom as a means of escape, to get away from the worries and problems of the offline world.
    [b]Fandom[/b]: You're fans of a specific franchise featuring talking animals.
    [b]Fantasy[/b]: You're fond of the anthropomorphic characters and races found in fantasy games, books, and movies.
    [b]Fursuiter[/b]: You're interested in wearing or having a fursuit.
    [b]Otherkin[/b]: You identify as otherkin, one who believes they're an animal "trapped" in a human body.
    [b]Reinventor[/b]: You use your character as a way to imagine a better version of yourself.
    [b]Socializer[/b]: You like to meet new friends and socialize in the furry community.
    [b]Spiritual[/b]: You feel a strong spiritual connection to animals.

    And if you have a chance, check out the site too, because it's pretty awesome. :D
    « Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 05:09:29 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
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    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Howling Bells - What do Furries Do Survey?
    Based off the categories on

    Are you into...?

    Actor: You like to roleplay as furry characters.

    Yes and no. Yes, it's fun to roleplay as a furry character online and in games, but in real life situations I very much prefer to just be myself.

    Adult: You're interested in adult/sexual themes/activites involving furry characters.

    I'd be lying if I said no.

    Artist: You like to draw, write, or create other kinds of art with furry themes.

    I like writing which is one of the reasons I got into roleplaying online.

    Animal Lover: You love animals, and enjoy looking at the animal artwork that furries produces.

    Yes. Especially dogs. I love dogs and how wholesome they are.

    Connoisseur: You love art in general, and that includes furry art.


    Dealer: You make money by selling artwork, writing, or something else in the furry community.


    Escapist: You use furrydom as a means of escape, to get away from the worries and problems of the offline world.

    No. I have videogames for that.

    Fandom: You're fans of a specific franchise featuring talking animals.

    No, not really.

    Fantasy: You're fond of the anthropomorphic characters and races found in fantasy games, books, and movies.

    Kind of. It depends on how interesting the writers make the characters and races. I'm not drawn to characters and races just because they happen to be fluffy.

    Fursuiter: You're interested in wearing or having a fursuit.

    Not at the moment. This sentiment might change though.

    Otherkin: You identify as otherkin, one who believes they're an animal "trapped" in a human body.


    Reinventor: You use your character as a way to imagine a better version of yourself.

    Kind of. My main character is very much like me but smarter.

    Socializer: You like to meet new friends and socialize in the furry community.

    Kind of. Furries are generally nice people, but I very much do not limit my socializing to the furry community.

    Spiritual: You feel a strong spiritual connection to animals.

    Spiritual implies something religious in nature, so I'll have to say no. I do hold a symbolic kinship with wolves, though.
    Jarl Aragonn
    The Aesir Empire

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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Howling Bells - What do Furries Do Survey?
    Based off the categories on

    Are you into...?

    Actor: You like to roleplay as furry characters. No
    Adult: You're interested in adult/sexual themes/activites involving furry characters. Yes
    Artist: You like to draw, write, or create other kinds of art with furry themes. No
    Animal Lover: You love animals, and enjoy looking at the animal artwork that furries produces. Kinda
    Connoisseur: You love art in general, and that includes furry art. Kinda
    Dealer: You make money by selling artwork, writing, or something else in the furry community. No
    Escapist: You use furrydom as a means of escape, to get away from the worries and problems of the offline world. Kinda
    Fandom: You're fans of a specific franchise featuring talking animals. No
    Fantasy: You're fond of the anthropomorphic characters and races found in fantasy games, books, and movies. No
    Fursuiter: You're interested in wearing or having a fursuit. No
    Otherkin: You identify as otherkin, one who believes they're an animal "trapped" in a human body. No
    Reinventor: You use your character as a way to imagine a better version of yourself. No
    Socializer: You like to meet new friends and socialize in the furry community. Yes
    Spiritual: You feel a strong spiritual connection to animals. No

    I feel like compared to Ara I'm like Mr. No. :P My interest in furrydom started a few years ago with the graphics, both SFW and NSFW...I was amazed but the detail and personality that many artists put into it, and that led to everything else. It's a scene where people can suspend disbelief and put something of themselves into it, whether it's a fursona, art, writing, or anything else. You can make a version of yourself in it, or you can make something entirely out of your imagination. You can sculpt species, physical features, and personalities to your liking. If you think about it, it's like the ultimate character generator.

    That and being able to meet other furries is my primary interests, which is one reason why I founded the club. We've had furries in the community for a long time, and the idea of bringing them together over a niche that doesn't get much attention even in a community as open as Wintreath really excited me. And here we are!

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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