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The Average Life of an Icebergian
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  • Former Citizen
  • JavaScript Coder + German Lover
  • The short story serves to let foreigners understand the technology, casual life, and the majority hobbies of Icebergians. (Inspired from Svipjoth)
    Wilhelm Magnussohn woke at 6 am in the morning, he couldn’t sleep well because of the shiny sun (because Icebergia is located in the far north, in summer it doesn’t have darkness and night, all sunshine). He pressed the iced lemon tea button on his drink machine as he brought a cup under the machine. After that, the drink machine automatically dropped ice to the cup. He ordered an Eisburger Delivery, a fishburger with cheese and super-crunchy waffle fries. The delivery shortly arrived when he started to code a software. He ate it while drinking his iced lemon tea. It was delicious, he continued to eat it fast. He seemed to forget his mom advice to eat healthy food. He was to busy for cooking a nutritious meal as he was an experienced coder and software engineer. After eating his short breakfast, he started to fill his cup with iced lemon tea. After drinking a sip, he started coding.

    He was coding stoically and calmly. And after a while, he finished his software, using Adler. He was coding a software that can control robots through wireless contact, and he succeeded in doing so.

    if {activation = true}
    [let oc = 1]

    if {oc = 1}
    [software.access Großwelle(Wilhelm.Magnussohn)
    Großwelle.signal 100000 m/s=
    Part of the code with the Adler Script

    Wilhelm Magnussohn began to read a book, called “Sigum de Schäss”, he was also a chess player in schaess.eis, the most popular Icebergian Chess Website. It was clear that he was an experienced chess player. He invited his best friend, Karl Worgst to a chess game. He quickly won him using the Tennison Gambit: ICBM Variation. After that, he went to his chess club to practice with his chess coach for 4 hours straight. Then, he started to analyse and proof an equation, he proved it using geometric shapes, specifically differential geometry. He started to learn more things about coding in Adler Script even though he was a professional coder. For a while, the self-taught Wilhelm was coding even more software and playing even more chess games in schaess.eis. At the sunny night, he ate his dinner, a Wurstbrot-wuß-frittes (Sausage Bread with Fries). He played more chess games, showered, went to his bed and sleep.
    “To understand a thing, you must understand its root.”
    • JavaScript Coder + German Lover
    • Posts: 38
    • Karma: 17
    • The Freezing Ice.
    • Former Citizen
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      Wintreath Nation
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