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The Autumn 2022 Record
Posts: 1 Views: 566

  • Former Citizen
  • Oh to be awake but still blissfully dreaming
  • The Record is our seasonal guide to who has contributed what in our community, so we can properly recognize and award them! Have you made a contribution that you don't see here? Contact me and I'll see to it that it's included. :)

    Foreign Affairs

    • FA Update - September 8th (Marzipan)

    Forum and Discord Games

    • Poker Chips and Salsa - September 3rd (Marzipan | Wintermoot, trader, TGN, Altrio, Arenado)
    • Cards Against Humanity - September 5th (Marzipan | Wintermoot, Altrio, Kye, -E-, Aether)
    • Cards Against Humanity - September 12th (Marzipan | Wintermoot, Kye, -E-)
    • Assassins - (Marzipan | TGN, Aether, Stigya, -E-, Wintermoot, Dawsinian, trader, Chanku, Michi, Aren)
    • Trivia and Tunes - September 16th (Marzipan | Arenado, Kye, Chanku, Stigya, TGN, Wintermoot, Altrio, trader, Svipjoth, Michi)


    • Discussion / Citizenship Act (Svipjoth)
    • Discussion / Procedural Rules Update Act (Svipjoth)
    • Discussion / Michi Paragon Act (Arenado)
    • Discussion / Election Harmonization Act (Arenado)
    • Passed Legislation / Michi Paragon Act (Arenado)


    • Server maintenance (trader)


    • RMB Poll: D&D Class (Wintermoot)
    • RMB Poll: Favorite Dessert (Wintermoot)
    • RMB Poll: Remove a Season (TGN)
    • Major Dispatch Update: Welcome to Wintreath! (Dawsinian)
    • Major Dispatch Update: Government Guide (Dawsinian)
    • Major Dispatch Update: World Assembly Guide (Dawsinian)
    • Major Dispatch Update: NS Guide (Dawsinian)
    • Major Dispatch Update: Dungeon Masters (Marzipan)


    • The Frosty Bugle- September 3rd (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - September 7th (TGN)
    • Wintreath In Statistics - September 7th (Wintermoot)
    • The Frosty Bugle - September 9th (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - September 17th (TGN)


    • Member Roleplay / What Did I Miss? (Kiddian)
    • Member Roleplay / The Southern Raiders (Gausberg)
    • Official Roleplay / Wintreath University (Svipjoth)
    • Member Roleplay / The Sector-lution (Joslisonoria)


    • Discord Welcome Update (Ops Team)

    Wintreath Governance

    • Autumn Elections / Cabinet (Wintermoot)
    • Appointment of Marzipan as the Thane of Foreign Releases (Dawsinian)
    • Gold Rank Promotion / Dungeon Masters (Marzipan | Michi)
    • Appointment of Arenado as the Vice Chancellor (Svipjoth)
    • Appointment of Alders (Wintermoot | trader, Chanku, Arenado
    • Appointment of Marzipan as the Jarl of Culture (Wintermoot)
    • Appointment of Arenado as the Thane of Gaming (Marzipan)
    « Last Edit: September 18, 2022, 08:13:39 PM by Marzipan »

    Regional Resume
    Citizen: June 28, 2019-  the Schism and then March 4, 2022 to Present

    Member of the Noble House of Eske
    Operator: December 30th, 2022 - Present
    Jarl of Culture: September 15th, 2022 - Present
    Ambassador to Forest and Europeia (since Sept 2022)
    Creator of the Dungeon Masters (Est. April 2022)
    Creator and Co-Host of the Dungeon Tourneys (CAHpocalypse - May 2022)
    Wintreath's Finest x5 (July 2019, March 2022, April 2022, Mid-Year 2022, Year 2022)
    Wintreath’s Most Mentioned
    Spirit of Wintreath Mid-Year 2022 and Year 2022

    Hearthkeeper: March 12, 2022 - December 28th, 2022
    Thane of Foreign Releases: September 8th, 2022 - December 8th, 2022
    Thane of Gaming: March 20th, 2022 - September 15th, 2022
    Co-Host of Werewolf XXVII: A Golden Affair
    Skrifa/Speaker Pro Tempore of the 36th Underhusen
    Former Ambassador to Sonindia and the Kingdom of Great Britain
    Former Member of the Noble House of Kaizer and the joint Noble House of Valeria-Jormunr
    • Oh to be awake but still blissfully dreaming
    • Posts: 885
    • Karma: 605
    • Wintreath's Official Julia Child
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      The Noble House of Eske
      Wintreath Nation
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