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The Frosty Bugle #37: Introducing Wintreath's Summer Cabinet
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • The Frosty Bugle
    Your Chill Summary of This Week in Wintreath
    June 20, 2022

    Wintreath is On: Discord | Forums | NationStates

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    A Word from the Monarch

    The Summer Cabinet Steps Forth!

    A Cabinet is like a soup / Everyone adds an extra scoop...

    We had a long election season in Wintreath due to the Thane of Werewolf special election, but at long last we have a full Summer Cabinet! This Cabinet will be responsible for maintaining and growing some part of Wintreath thru the end of August, including seeing out our Pride Month festivities and putting together this year's Summersend festival, our annual culture showcase celebrating the end of summer. But for now, please allow me to introduce the members of our Cabinet!

    Wrapping Up Werewolf Elections
    In Wintreath's most competitive election in recent history, Arenado (North Gralend) ended up winning by a surprising margin. In casting his vote for Arenado, taulover detailed his reasons, including their proposal for a ratings system, their focus on growing the Werewolf community from within Wintreath, and their experience with both playing and hosting Werewolf games throughout Wintreath's history. Beyond Werewolf, Arenado has plenty of leadership experience, having served around a dozen terms in our former legislature including one as Speaker, a term as Thane of Roleplay, and then later on two terms as Prime Minister of Thalassia.

    While this is their first term in Wintreath's Cabinet since their return, for those reasons but I'm sure it will be a successful one.

    The New (Sometimes Returning) Players
    I'm also happy to introduce Laurentus as Jarl of Foreign Affairs! Lau briefly held the role in 2020, and has been part of just about everything someone can be part of in Wintreath, including the legislature and the Discord ops team. For his many contributions to the community, Lau has been voted Wintreath's Finest 9 times and was made Count of Highever in January 2016. In Lau we have someone who is known to be driven and who knows just about everything there is to know about Wintreath.

    Foreign Affairs also has a new face in The Ursian Empire, who is serving his first term in the government. However, he plans to translate his experience in writing long and detailed roleplay posts into putting together foreign dispatches, including a lore summarizer with topics selected by vote. I look forward to seeing him make his mark in Wintreath and beyond as part of our Cabinet.

    The Old-Timers
    Otherwise, our Cabinet will be remaining the same: Michi (Penguin Dictators) as Jarl of Culture and Delegate, Stigya (The Stigyan Triumvirate) as Jarl of Regional Affairs, Svipjoth as Thane of Roleplay (and newly Thane of Regional Affairs too!), Marzipan (New Montith) as Thane of Gaming, and TGN (The Greenlandic North) as Thane of Embassies, each of which has already made their mark on our community in some way.

    Like Lau, Michi knows just about every aspect of Wintreath, but is best known for introducing Werewolf to Wintreath and nurturing that early scene. Stigya is the founder of WARPP, an alliance of 20 nations that formed their own community and then became involved with the rest of Wintreath. Svipjoth just recently revived the RP guild, making roleplay a thing on the forums for the first time in years. Marzipan launched a gaming renassiance in Wintreath and created the Dungeon Masters, a guild of people that puts on gaming events. And last but not least, TGN has just organized his first joint culture event with another community and beyond that has grown as a person to become a real leader of our community.

    You might say this is one of the most accomplished and experienced Cabinets in Wintreath's history, where almost everyone have already accomplished great things or served in the Cabinet before. I can't help but to expect many great things to come out of this Cabinet as the summer goes on. As Michi said in Cabinet chat "The old team is starting to resurface. Be afraid.". Cause as we all know...

    Stay frosty,

    The Welcome Wagon
    Aloha to our new and returning Citizens!

    We had no new Citizens this week, but if you would like to become a Citizen of Wintreath, all you have to do is join our forums and then fill out this form. Citizens gain full rights under our regional constitution, gain access to Citizen-only areas of the forums and Discord, and can participate in our government from our all-Citizen assembly to the Cabinet that runs the day-to-do operations of Wintreath.

    Upcoming Events
    All times Eastern. Check out our Discord for the latest gaming events!

    • Among Us with India - June 20th, 11AM (Discord In-Game Voice Channel)
    • Cards Against Humanity - June 20th, 9PM (Discord #zaphyr Channel)
    • Out&Proud Art Contest Submissions Close - June 22nd (Forums)

    What's Happening Now
    News from Wintreath

    Arenado Elected Thane of Werewolf
    As mentioned in our leading article, Arenado (North Gralend) won the special election for Thane of Werewolf! Check out the topic for more information on the election itself as well as the vote breakdown! Congratulations to Aren for joining Wintreath's Cabinet for the first time!

    Laurentus Appointed Jarl of Foreign Affairs
    Also as mentioned before, Laurentus was appointed to the Jarl of Foreign Affairs spot that Ruguo vacated the week before. Check out the topic for additional notes and replies from the community, and congratulations to Lau on rejoining the Cabinet!

    Forums: Sexual Orientation Profile Field Added!
    As part of our Pride Month celebrations, Wintermoot added an orientation profile field that also displays alongside members posts. This is a long-overdue addition, and goes along with the preferred pronouns field added a few years ago. The topic includes directions on how to add this information in, with a link directly to update your forum profile!

    Read More About It!
    Publications from Wintreans about anything and everything

    Wintreath in Statistics - May 2022
    Wintermoot provides all that statistics and insights about what's going on in Wintreath, including the forums, Discord, NationStates RMB, and Minecraft server. Check out the link to see how Wintreath did in May!

    New Forum Discussions

    Here are the new discussions on our off-site forums! If one of them interests you, why don’t you add to it with a reply? As we have a few things going on at the moment, the list has been broken down by category!

    🌈 Happy Pride Month! 🌈

    Rollspelskra - Roleplay

    Everything Else

    Looking for Group

    The Hearthkeepers: Wintreath's Welcome Wagon
    The Hearthkeepers help keep Wintreath a warm and welcoming community! They welcome and help new members, post daily questions for the community to discuss, create weekly events, and more. Would you like to help keep Wintreath a warm place? Check out the link and contact Michi / Penguin Dictators to join!

    Winbassadors: Wintreath’s Face to Other Communities
    Ambassadors (named Winbassadors on the Discord because ambassador was already taken) represent Wintreath to other communities. This involves joining their forums and Discord, keeping track of what’s going on there, posting our dispatches and information, and contributing to our foreign dispatch, the Auora Borealis. If you’re a Citizen and would like to join the Winbassador program, contact Wintermoot on Discord!

    The Dungeon Masters: Wintreath's Gaming Leaders
    Dungeon Masters help organize and run gaming nights: everything from Discord games like Cards Against Humanity to video games like Jackbox and Among Us. This is a great way to help contribute to Wintreath’s community that doesn’t involve NationStates, for those Citizens who have moved on from the NS side. If you’re interested in becoming a Dungeon Master, check the linked dispatch!

    Rollspelskra: Wintreath's Roleplaying Guild
    Rollspelskra is where the best roleplaying in Wintreath happens, with a focus on well-organized and moderated RPs that follow good etiquette. Join by showing you know the RP fallacies and how to avoid them, then once in propose and vote on monthly official RPs or create and join other RPs created by members. Check the link to explore Rollspelskra and join in on the fun!

    Thanks for Reading!

    Did you like this edition of The Frosty Bugle? Be sure to upvote/like this post so that I know people are getting something out of this publication and be encouraged to write more! Also, thanks to our subscribers who are listed below!

    @TGN @Marzipan
    3 people like this post: Michi, taulover, TGN
    « Last Edit: June 20, 2022, 03:47:38 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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