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The Summer 2022 Record
Posts: 1 Views: 752

  • Former Citizen
  • Oh to be awake but still blissfully dreaming
  • The Record is our seasonal guide to who has contributed what in our community, so we can properly recognize and award them! Have you made a contribution that you don’t see here? Contact me and I’ll see to it that it’s included. :)

    Foreign Affairs
    • Among Us with India (TGN)

    Forum and Discord Games
    • Cursed Character Creator - June 4th (Marzipan | Arenado, TGN, Corbin)
    • Cards Against Humanity - June 6th (Marzipan | TGN, Sprinkles257, Kye, Corbin, Altrio, Kiddian, Wintermoot)
    • Poker - June 11th (Marzipan | TGN, Wintermoot, Altrio)
    • Cards Against Humanity - June 13th (TGN | Stigya, Kye, Altrio, Delta, Marzipan, Wintermoot)
    • Cards Against Humanity - June 20th (TGN | Altrio, Kye, Wintermoot)
    • Poker Chips and Salsa - June 24th (Marzipan | Dawsinian, TGN, -E-, Chanku, Kye, Wintermoot, Michi, Aren)
    • One Night Ultimate Werewolf - June 24th (Marzipan | TGN, -E-, Chanku, Wintermoot, Michi, Aren)
    • Cards Against Humanity - June 27th (Altrio | Marzipan, TGN, Kye, -E-, Stigya, Wintermoot, Kiddian, Michi)
    • Cards Against Humanity - July 4th (Marzipan | TGN, Altrio, Stigya, Kye, -E-, Imaginative Kane, Michi, Dawsinian, Wintermoot)
    • Cards Against Humanity - July 11th (Marzipan | TGN, -E-, Altrio, Kye)
    • Cards Against Humanity - July 18th (Marzipan | Arenado, Svipjoth, Stigya, TGN, Kye, Wintermoot, Altrio, -E-)
    • Cards Against Humanity - July 25th (Marzipan | RandomLily, Altrio, Stigya, Kye, Wintermoot, -E-, TGN, Arenado, Bluejay)
    • Cursed Character Creator - July 26th (Marzipan | Arenado, TGN, Imaginative Kane, Svipjoth)
    • Cards Against Humanity - August 1st (Wintermoot | Stigya, TGN, Marzipan, Altrio, Kye, Svipjoth, -E-)
    • Cards Against Humanity - August 8th (Marzipan | Anthony, Chanku, TGN, Michi, Stigya, Altrio, Wintermoot, RandomLily, Ruguo)
    • Cards Against Humanity - August 15 (Marzipan | Kye, -E-, Wintermoot, Altrio, Ruguo
    • Cards Against Humanity - August 22 (Ruguo | Kye, TGN, -E-, Wintermoot)
    • Cards Against Humanity - August 29th (Wintermoot | Kye, -E-, Kiddian, Anthony, Altrio, TGN)
    • Spyfall - Summersend (Michi | TGN, Marzipan, Arenado, Joslisonoria, Imaginative Kane)
    • One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Summersend (Arenado | Marzipan, Nova!, Eastern New England, Gerrick, TGN, Aersodorf)
    • The Summersend Clickwar Battle (Wintermoot)

    • TTRPG: Thirsty Sword Lesbians - June 2nd (Chanku | Melehan, Corbin)
    • Jackbox Party Packs - June 4th (Arenado | Imaginative Kane, Corbin)
    • Dungeon Masters Info Dispatch (Marzipan)
    • Dungeon Masters Leveling System (Marzipan)
    • Dungeon Masters June Bronze Promotion (Marzipan | Neon, Chanku, Svipjoth, Altrio)
    • Dungeon Masters June Silver Promition (Marzipan | Arenado, TGN)
    • Dungeon Masters June MVPs (Marzipan | Arenado, TGN)
    • Streamer Shoutouts Initiative (Marzipan)
    • Mixed Bag Night: BGO (Marzipan | Arenado)
    • Jackbox Party Packs - July 7th (Chanku | Marzipan, Arenado)
    • Jackbox Party Packs - July 9th (Arenado | Marzipan, Stigya, Kane)
    • Jackbox Party Packs - July 16th (Marzipan | Arenado, -E-, Imaginative Kane, TGN)
    • The Settlers of Catan - July 22nd (Svipjoth | PhoenixJet, TGN, Marzipan)
    • Dungeon Masters July Silver Promotion (Marzipan | Michi)
    • Dungeon Masters July Gold Promotion (Marzipan | Arenado, TGN)
    • Dungeon Masters July MVP (Marzipan | Svipjoth)
    • Creation of Game Winner Twitter Graphics (Wintermoot)
    • RISK - August 2nd (TGN | -E-, _Bastion, Wintermoot, Svipjoth, Chanku, PhoenixJet)
    • Game Night Feedback Form (Marzipan)
    • Assassin (Chanku | Marzipan, TGN, Wintermoot, Arenado, Kye, Neon, Stigya, RandomLily, -E-, tomcat80)
    • 24hr Stardew Valley Server (Neon)
    • Assassin (Marzipan | -E-, TGN, Stigya, Aren, Neon, Imaginative Kane, Wintermoot, Dawsinian, Altrio, Chanku)
    • Jackbox Party Packs - August 20th (Arenado | Marzipan, Stigya, -E-, Kiddian, TGN, Arsix Foundation)
    • Assassin (Marzipan | Stigya, -E-, trader, Dawsinian, Arenado, Wintermoot, Chanku,)
    • Dungeon Masters August Silver Promotion (Marzipan | Chanku, Neon, Svipjoth)
    • Dungeon Masters August MVP (Marzipan | Chanku, Neon)

    General Culture
    • Charity: Out and Equal (Dungeon Masters)
    • Countryball Pride Photo (TGN)
    • Wintreath’s Favorite LGBTQ Character Election (Wintermoot)
    • June Avatar of the Month (Michi | Altrio)
    • May Wintreath’s Finest (Michi | Svipjoth)
    • Out&Proud Art Contest (Marzipan | Neon Abigail)
    • Wintreath Pride Playlist (Marzipan | Stigya, TGN, Arenado, Neon, Altrio, Drexyl Nox, Wintermoot, Kye, Michi, Corbin, Kiddian, Dragonland, Raine)
    • July Avatar of the Month (Michi | Marzipan)
    • June Wintreath’s Finest (Michi | Arenado)
    • Wintreath Mid-Year Awards (Michi)
                        • Wintreath’s Mid-Year Finest (Marzipan)
                        • Spirit of Wintreath Award (TGN, Marzipan)
                        • Best Flag (Michi)
                        • Best Factbooks/Dispatches (Stigya)
                        • Most Helpful Member (TGN)
                        • Friendliest/Most Cheerful Member (Uniopolis)
                        • Most Creative Member (TGN, Ursia, Svipjoth)
                        • Funniest Member (Michi)
                        • Most Surprising Newbie (Thuragin)
                        • Most Likely to Get Commended by the
                          Landsgraad (Stigya, Svipjoth)
                        • Biggest Spammer (Marzipan, TGN)
                        • Most Likely to be Scum-Read D1 in WW (Neon)
                        • Most Likely to be Underestimated in WW
                          (Kiddian, Michi, Gerrick, Neon, Vroendal,
                          Marzipan, Wintermoot, Dawcreeke, Arenado)
                        • Most Likely to Spend Life Savings on Minecraft
                        • Dirtiest Mind in Cards Against Humanity
                        • Most Likely to be Condemned by the World
                          Assembly (Trashkanistan73)
                        • Most Likely to Answer a Question with Another
                          Question (Michi)
                        • Most Likely to Become a Supervillain
                        • Best Game on the Discord (Jackbox Party
                        • Best Game on the Forum (Werewolf)
    • August Avatar of the Month (Michi | Marzipan)
    • Summersend 2022 Theme Nominations (Michi | Marzipan)
    • August Fantasy Adventure Playlist (Marzipan | Stigya, Riot, Waggleton, Vroendal, Neon, Michi, Tau, Arenado, Gerrick, Michi, Kye)
    • Summersend 2022
    • Summersend Countryball Portrait (TGN)

    • Server hosting and maintenance (trader)

    • Wintreath Pride Flag (Emoticonius)
    • Updated Wintreath Icon (Wintermoot)
    • Updated Wintreath Flag (Michi)

    • Uppsalakyrslan - June 2nd (Svipjoth)
    • The Frosty Bugle - June 6th (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - June 6th (TGN)
    • The Frosty Bugle - June 12th (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - June 12th (TGN)
    • Wintreath in Statistics - June 13th (Wintermoot)
    • The Frosty Bugle - June 20th (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - June 20th (TGN)
    • Rnesspo World News - June 27th (TGN)
    • The Frosty Bugle - July 1st (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - July 4th (TGN)
    • Tales of Stigya: The Rise of Roxas (Stigya)
    • The Frosty Bugle - July 8th (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - July 11th (TGN)
    • Uppsalakyrslan - July 14th (Svipjoth)
    • The Frosty Bugle - July 16th (Wintermoot)
    • Wintreath In Statistics - July 17th (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - July 18th (TGN)
    • The Frosty Bugle - July 22nd (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - July 26th (TGN)
    • The Frosty Bugle - July 29th (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - August 2nd (TGN)
    • The Frosty Bugle - August 4th (Wintermoot)
    • Wintreath in Statistics - August 6th (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - August 9th (TGN)
    • The Frosty Bugle - August 11th (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - August 16th (TGN)
    • The Frosty Bugle - August 19th (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - August 24th (TGN)
    • The Frosty Bugle - August 28th (Wintermoot)
    • Rnesspo World News - August 31st (TGN)


    • Wintreath World Cup (Kiddian | RMB)
    • Official RP: Wintreath High School (Svipjoth, Waggleton, TGN | Neon, Marzipan, Joslisonoria, Michi, Corbin, Stigya)
    • Official RP (cont.): International Terrorist Incident (Svipjoth, Kiddian | Stigya, Matador, Worgus)
    • Member RP: Survival/Nation Building RP (Corbin, Svipjoth)
    • Official RP: Murder Mystery (Kiddian | Chebikitty, Matador, Waggleton, TGN, Gausberg, Svipjoth, Joslisonoria, )
    • Member RP: The Second Svipish Civil War (Svipjoth |  Stigya, Matador, Kiddian, Joslisonoria, TGN, The Ursian Empire, Worgus, Waggleton, Icebergia)
    • Member RP: The Missle War (Joslisonoria)
    • Official RP: Colony Life (Joslisonoria | Holy Spire, Worgus, Gausberg, Waggleton, Lusgastan, TGN, Icebergia)


    • Sexual Orientation Field Update (Wintermoot)
    • RP Guild Badge Updates (Gerrick)
    • Discord Banner/Icon Updates (Wintermoot)
    • Recruiter API Updates (Wintermoot)
    • RMB Poster Stats Page (Wintermoot)
    • Creation of the Regional Twitter (Wintermoot)


    • Werewolf 27 (Arenado & Marzipan | Aersodorf, Corbin, Doc, Dolby, Gerrick, Imaginative Kane, Joslisonoria, KingofDominaria, Melehan, Michi, Neon, NoName, Svipjoth, Vroendal)
    • Werewolf 28 (Michi | Marzipan, Neon, Kiddian, Arenado, TGN, Gerrick, Wintermoot, Imaginative Kane, BraveSirRobin, Dolby, Vroendal)
    • Werewolf Game Rating System (Arenado)
    • Hosting Revamp (Arenado)
    • Werewolf 29 (TGN | Neon, Eastern New England, Numbers, Dawsinian, Trashkanistan, W Amedeus, Aersodorf, ragnorokio)

    Wintreath Governance

    • Summer Elections / Cabinet (Wintermoot)
    • Special Election for Thane of Werewolf (Wintermoot | Arenado)
    • Appointment of Laurentus as Jarl of Foreign Affairs (Wintermoot | Laurentus)
    • The Stigya Commendation Act (Svipjoth)
    • Appointment of Dawsinian as Jarl of Foreign Affairs (Wintermoot | Dawsinian)
    • Special Election for Chancellor (Wintermoot | Svipjoth)

    3 people like this post: Wintermoot, taulover, Vroendal
    « Last Edit: September 02, 2022, 03:44:35 AM by Marzipan »

    Regional Resume
    Citizen: June 28, 2019-  the Schism and then March 4, 2022 to Present

    Member of the Noble House of Eske
    Operator: December 30th, 2022 - Present
    Jarl of Culture: September 15th, 2022 - Present
    Ambassador to Forest and Europeia (since Sept 2022)
    Creator of the Dungeon Masters (Est. April 2022)
    Creator and Co-Host of the Dungeon Tourneys (CAHpocalypse - May 2022)
    Wintreath's Finest x5 (July 2019, March 2022, April 2022, Mid-Year 2022, Year 2022)
    Wintreath’s Most Mentioned
    Spirit of Wintreath Mid-Year 2022 and Year 2022

    Hearthkeeper: March 12, 2022 - December 28th, 2022
    Thane of Foreign Releases: September 8th, 2022 - December 8th, 2022
    Thane of Gaming: March 20th, 2022 - September 15th, 2022
    Co-Host of Werewolf XXVII: A Golden Affair
    Skrifa/Speaker Pro Tempore of the 36th Underhusen
    Former Ambassador to Sonindia and the Kingdom of Great Britain
    Former Member of the Noble House of Kaizer and the joint Noble House of Valeria-Jormunr
    • Oh to be awake but still blissfully dreaming
    • Posts: 885
    • Karma: 605
    • Wintreath's Official Julia Child
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      The Noble House of Eske
      Wintreath Nation
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