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July 2022 Roleplay Poll & Charter Ratification Pass and New Vote
Posts: 1 Views: 563

  • Former Citizen
  • For the Honor and the Glory
  • Hello all Rollspelskra members (@Michi, @TGN, @Kiddian, @Waggleton, @Worgus, @The Ursian Empire, @Marzipan, @Matador, @Lusgastan, @Stigya2113, @Thejoker😐, @Wintermoot, @Joslisonoria, @Neon Abigail, @Corbin, @Chebikitty)!

    I have few exciting announcements for all of you: firstly and foremostly (is that a word? now it is, lol), the July 2022 roleplay suggestion poll is up! Make sure to submit your vote before June 30th, 9:00AM AZ Time.

    Secondly, concerning the charter, the reform concerning the expiration of roleplays after 1 week of inactivity has been approved. This shall begin to be enforced on July 1st. From that date henceforth, any official roleplays that are not active after 1 week will be locked and moved to the soon-to-be-created Archive subforum. This rule does not apply to member roleplays, but those that wish for their roleplay to be considered inactive or finished can contact either me or Michi to have that thread locked and moved to the Archive.

    Thirdly, and finally, we have another poll in the charter ratification discussion thread, this time concerning whether suggestions of roleplays should have the beginning post written by and the roleplay managed by whoever suggested it. The poll will remain open for a week.
    • For the Honor and the Glory
    • Posts: 233
    • Karma: 245
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
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