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The Frosty Bugle #34: Join Wintreath's Room Where It Happens
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • The Frosty Bugle
    Your Chill Summary of This Week in Wintreath
    May 28, 2022

    Wintreath is On: Discord | Forums | NationStates

    Too Long; Didn't Read
    What can I do this week?

    A Word from the Monarch

    Nominations for Thane elections are now open!

    Wintermoot serenades the Cabinet (I've really done this before).

    In Wintreath, Thanes are Vice-Ministers who work in under one of our Jarls (Ministers) and are in charge of a specific area that's part of the ministry. They're also part of our Cabinet, the Riksraad, and get to be in the room where it happens, the Discord Cabinet channel. Thanes are elected to seasonal three month terms (this election is for the Summer season). They can also be appointed be the Jarl in charge of the ministry if the position is vacant. The specific Thanedoms you can run for are:

    Ministry of Culture
    • Thane of Gaming - Leads Wintreath's gaming community by discovering what people want to play, helping hosts put together video and Discord gaming events, and putting together tournaments and competitions.
    • Thane of Roleplay - Leads Wintreath's roleplay community as Grandmaster of our RP guild, the Rollspelskra, helps put together and participates in RPs and enforces RP rules and etiquette.
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • Thane of Embassies - Helps the Jarl make sure our embassies in other communities are manned with Winbassadors and investigates potential communities we could establish new partnerships in.
    • Thane of Foreign Releases - Puts together dispatches for our embassies in other communities and ensures that Winbassadors are posting them.
    Ministry of Regional Affairs
    • Thane of Regional Affairs - Helps the Jarl moderate the NationStates RMB, welcomes and helps new (and old!) nations to the region, and runs regional polls.
    • Thane of World Assembly Affairs - Is the delegate of Wintreath to the NationStates World Assembly and encourages nations to participate in the body as well.
    How do I nominate someone or stand for election?
    Everyone that's nominated has to be a Citizen, and everyone that wins must be on our Discord chat server where Cabinet battles discussions happen. If you're not a Citizen, check out the steps for becoming one in the Welcome Wagon section. Then make your nominations or stand for election here! If you're standing for election, there are some questions in the topic that you will need to answer, too.

    What then?
    Once you stand for election, feel free to make a campaign topic in the Landsraad forum to discuss your platform further or for Citizens to ask questions. If there are any positions with more than one candidate, those elections will begin on June 1st, and winners will take office on June 7th.

    Cabinet meetings. They're really like this! Kinda...

    I hope that you will consider running for election, especially if you are already serving in one of the branches of the Civil Service and you're ready to take the next step of becoming a leader of our community! You get the spiffy Cabinet role on the forums and Discord too, so that's something worth considering...

    Stay frosty,

    The Welcome Wagon
    Aloha to our new and returning Citizens!

    • Welcome to North Eastland, who became a Citizen to join the community and to be able to vote on what is better for the region (how timely!). They’re also into video games and music. Once again, we’re glad to have you with us as a Citizen!

    If you would like to become a Citizen of Wintreath, all you have to do is join our forums and then fill out this form. Citizens gain full rights under our regional constitution, gain access to Citizen-only areas of the forums and Discord, and can participate in our government from our all-Citizen assembly to the Cabinet that runs the day-to-do operations of Wintreath.

    Upcoming Events
    All times Eastern. Check out our Discord for the latest gaming events!

    The CAHpocalypse
    Join our month-long Cards Against Humanity tournament on Discord! For the entire month of May, playing one of our CAH nights will earn you points toward the tournament. Do you have the sense of humor it takes to get to the top of the ranking? Join our Cards Against Humanity nights and see! Get double participation points for playing CAH in the tournament’s final week!
    • Cards Against Humanity - May 30th, 9PM (Discord #zaphyr Channel)
    • Voting for Thane Elections Open - June 1st (Forums)
    • Signups for Werewolf XXVII Close - June 4th (Signup Topic)

    What's Happening Now
    News from Wintreath

    Nominations for Thane Elections are Open!
    As discussed in the main article, standing and nominations for Thane elections are open until Wednesday, June 1st. Stand for election and become part of Wintreath’s Cabinet!

    Signups for Werewolf 27 Open Now!
    Wintreath’s most popular forum game built around deception and trickery returns in the form of A Golden Affair! Hosted by Arenado with help from Marzipan, this game promises the usual chaos and madness in a grand setting. Werewolf is very similar to games like Among Us and Town of Salem, just through text on our forums, so why not give it a try? Signups are open until June 4th!

    New Forum Discussions

    Here are the new discussions on our off-site forums! If one of them interests you, why don’t you add to it with a reply?

    Looking for Group

    The Hearthkeepers: Wintreath's Welcome Wagon
    The Hearthkeepers help keep Wintreath a warm and welcoming community! They welcome and help new members, post daily questions for the community to discuss, create weekly events, and more. Would you like to help keep Wintreath a warm place? Check out the link and contact Michi / Penguin Dictators to join!

    Winbassadors: Wintreath’s Face to Other Communities
    Ambassadors (named Winbassadors on the Discord because ambassador was already taken) represent Wintreath to other communities. This involves joining their forums and Discord, keeping track of what’s going on there, posting our dispatches and information, and contributing to our foreign dispatch, the Auora Borealis. If you’re a Citizen and would like to join the Winbassador program, contact Ruguo on Discord!

    The Dungeon Masters: Wintreath's Gaming Leaders
    Dungeon Masters help organize and run gaming nights: everything from Discord games like Cards Against Humanity to video games like Jackbox and Among Us. This is a great way to help contribute to Wintreath’s community that doesn’t involve NationStates, for those Citizens who have moved on from the NS side. If you’re interested in becoming a Dungeon Master, contact Thane of Gaming Marzipan on Discord.

    Rollspelskra: Wintreath's Roleplaying Guild
    Rollspelskra is where the best roleplaying in Wintreath happens, with a focus on well-organized and moderated RPs that follow good etiquette. Join by showing you know the RP fallacies and how to avoid them, then once in propose and vote on monthly official RPs or create and join other RPs created by members. Check the link to explore Rollspelskra and join in on the fun!

    Thanks for Reading!

    Did you like this edition of The Frosty Bugle? Be sure to upvote/like this post so that I know people are getting something out of this publication and be encouraged to write more! Also, thanks to our subscribers who are listed below!

    @TGN @Marzipan
    4 people like this post: taulover, Marzipan, Stigya2113, TGN

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
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