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Werewolf XXVII: A Golden Affair (Game Thread)
Posts: 468 Views: 24673

Werewolf Information
Game Over on Round 4 Day
Root Host: Arenado Other Hosts: Marzipan

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Game Posts
  • Citizen
  • My initial PM:

    The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: DrJekyll/MrHyde (Seriel Killer/Doctor)

    I am Dr Henry Jekyll, respected scientist, renowned, capable, and happy. Or, I would be. I have….urges. Desires. A need to indulge in….the unsavory. Which leads….

    I am Edward Hyde. I do what I want. I want to bugger a broad, I do it. I want to bash some old man’s brains in, I do it! Hahaha, nothing can stop me, not Utterson, not the police, not ‘society’, and not that meddlesome Doctor, hahaha!

    Powers: You are a cursed man. By random chance every night, you will switch between the personalities of Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde.

    As Henry Jekyll, in the night phase, you can choose to target one player per night to be healed. Any attack on that character will fail as a result. You can also choose to heal yourself twice in this game.

    As Edward Hyde, in the night phase, you can choose to target one player to kill. You win if no other player presents a credible threat to you, unless you are cured of your affliction.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread here: Werewolf XXVII

    And the post-Dolby cure PM:

    You were targeted by the Town Doctor in the night and cured of your affliction. As a result, your new role and alignment is as follows:

    The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: Dr Henry Jekyll (Town Doctor)

    Is it…is it really true? Is….he…..gone? Am I….free? Oh, thank the maker, I’m free! Its been hell, trapped with him in my mind, in my body…the things I did…the things he made me do….I need to atone. I must atone for what I did, somehow! I have too….

    Powers: In the night phase, you can target one player per night to be healed. Any attack on that character will fail as a result. You can also choose to heal yourself twice in this game.

    You are a member of the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.
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  • And, as promised, the role pms! I hope you enjoyed Werewolf XXVII!

    Wolf Chief
    Role: The Dead Zone: Greg Stillson (Wolf Chief)

    You are destined for greatness. You are destined to be the greatest President in the history of the United States. YOU ARE THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE! THE PEOPLE SPEAK THROUGH YOU! And if you want to cleanse the world in atomic fire, then it is what THE PEOPLE DEMAND! And you WILL. SEE. IT. DONE.

    Powers: You can kill one target in the night phase per night.

    You win with the Wolves. The Wolves win if no other player presents a credible threat to you.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread hereWerewolf XXVII

    Town Investigator
    Role: Grimm: Detective Nick Burkhardt (Town Investigator)

    Well, its been quite a roller coaster these past few years, huh? One day you’re just an ordinary Police Detective, the next you’re a secret monster hunter keeping Portland safe from Rogue Wesen. Sometimes, you can barely wrap your head around it. Whatever else, you still have a job to do, keeping the people of this city safe from all threats to its safety. Whatever the cost.

    Powers: In the night phase, you can target one player per night for investigation. You will learn their alignment only. 

    You are a member of the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread here: Werewolf XXVII

    Town Doctor
    Role: House: Dr Gregory House (Town Doctor)

    Boring. Boring, boring, boring. All your cases in this town are so boring. A seasonal allergy, a broken leg, mild glaucoma, all so boring. An interesting case, like a bout of Black Death, or perhaps some necrotising fasciitis, anything to spice things up in this dull little town. But wait, what's this? I’ve never seen an anomaly like this. This…this will be interesting.

    Powers: In the night phase, you can target one player per night to be healed. Any attack on that character will fail as a result. You can also choose to heal yourself twice in this game.

    There is also a medical anomaly. If you can, find them and heal them.

    You are a member of the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread here: Werewolf XXVII

    Town Lookout
    Role: Person Of Interest: Harold Finch (Town Lookout)

    Non-relevant, they said. The innocent who will die, tonight, and everynight. The value of life is not irrelevant. I cannot, I will not, stand by. I can’t fight them myself, I can’t save them myself, but I can watch them. See who the threat is…and who they threaten. I will do something because no one else will.

    Powers: In the night phase, you can target one player per night to watch. You will observe who visits them and who they visit.

    You are a member of the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread here: Werewolf XXVII

    Town Escort
    Role: Rocky Horror Picture Show: Dr Frank-N-Furter (Town Escort)

    Hey, baby, you’ve got to savour the antici…..

    Whatever happened to Fay Wray? That delicate satin draped frame. As it clung to her thigh, how I started to cry, cause I wanted to be dressed just the same. Don’t dream it, be it. That’s my motto, cause I’m a wild and untamed thing, a bee with a deadly sting. It seems to distract people, though, and that’s fine with me. My my my, let the party and the sounds rock on!


    Powers: In the night phase, you can target one player per night to distract. They will be unable to use their night powers that night phase.

    You are a member of the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread here: Werewolf XXVII

    Role: Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor (Amnesiac)

    Time And Relative Dimension In Space. TARDIS, for short. I think. Its kind of fuzzy right now. I remember….waking up….Gallifrey! What’s that? I don’t know, but I remember it. Maybe. Like I said, its somewhat…unclear? I’m someone, someone important, I want to be ginger or something. I don’t remember, but I do have legs at least. Oh well, it will come to me. I think.

    Power: You may choose one of the deceased players and assume their role at any point in the game. Once you assume a role, you will spend the rest of the game as that role, with their powers. If you assume the role of a Wolf, the other wolves will not know about you.

    You win with the team you align with when you assume a role. If you have not assumed a role by the end of the game, you do not win.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread here: Werewolf XXVII

    Town Vigilante
    Role: Titans: Jason Todd (Town Vigilante)

    Death is a funny thing, isn’t it. You’ve almost learned what it was like first hand. Almost. Death gives you….perspective, in a way. You were once like your mentor, Batman, insistent on not killing anyone. How did that end for you, huh? Broken, battered on the floor with the Joker standing over you. He left you to die that day, but you survived. And now, no more mercy. The guilty will get what is coming to them, and you will be the final thing they ever see.

    Powers: During the night phase, you may target one player per night to kill. If the target was a member of the Town, however, you lose your powers for the remainder of the game.

    You are a member of the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread here: Werewolf XXVII

    Wolf Framer/Janitor
    Role: The Thick Of It: Malcolm Tucker (Wolf Framer/Janitor)

    For fuck’s sake, the people you have to work with are the most incompetent, useless wankers you have ever had the displeasure of meeting. You have to fight the urge to flay all of them alive and turn their skin into a sleeping bag for normal people! It's a bloody omnishambles! You have to spend all your time cleaning up their mess because these walking disaster zones can’t do simple tasks without creating career ending disasters for everyone. Time to get fixing.

    Powers: In the night phase, you can choose to clean up a crime scene, removing all role and alignment evidence for a night victim, or you can frame a target, making them appear to be a member of the Wolves in a night phase, if they are investigated. You may not use these powers in consecutive night phases.

    You win with the Wolves. The Wolves win if no other player presents a credible threat to you. If you are the last wolf role left, you will become the Wolf Chief.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread here: Werewolf XXVII

    Serial Killer/Doctor
    The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: DrJekyll/MrHyde (Seriel Killer/Doctor)

    I am Dr Henry Jekyll, respected scientist, renowned, capable, and happy. Or, I would be. I have….urges. Desires. A need to indulge in….the unsavory. Which leads….

    I am Edward Hyde. I do what I want. I want to bugger a broad, I do it. I want to bash some old man’s brains in, I do it! Hahaha, nothing can stop me, not Utterson, not the police, not ‘society’, and not that meddlesome Doctor, hahaha!

    Powers: You are a cursed man. By random chance every night, you will switch between the personalities of Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde.

    As Henry Jekyll, in the night phase, you can choose to target one player per night to be healed. Any attack on that character will fail as a result. You can also choose to heal yourself twice in this game. 

    As Edward Hyde, in the night phase, you can choose to target one player to kill.

    You win if the entire town is killed, unless you are cured of your affliction.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread here: Werewolf XXVII

    2nd Town Doctor
    You were targeted by the Town Doctor in the night and cured of your affliction. As a result, your new role and alignment is as follows:

    The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: Dr Henry Jekyll (Town Doctor)

    Is it…is it really true? Is….he…..gone? Am I….free? Oh, thank the maker, I’m free! Its been hell, trapped with him in my mind, in my body…the things I did…the things he made me do….I need to atone. I must atone for what I did, somehow! I have too….

    Powers: In the night phase, you can target one player per night to be healed. Any attack on that character will fail as a result. You can also choose to heal yourself twice in this game.

    You are a member of the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

    Town Transporter
    Role: Star Trek: The Next Generation: Q (Town Transporter)

    Oh, the silly little mortals and their silly little games. It would be amusing if it wasn't so sad. I suppose, however, that I did make a promise to dear Jean Luc about such small minded concepts like ‘don’t torment sentient lifeforms’ and ‘don’t play games with people’s lives’. Oh well, if I must help this ‘town’ faction, I will do it with flair!

    Powers: With one snap of your fingers, you can transport two targets, including yourself, in the night per night. This action cannot be role blocked. No other party, including any investigative role, will know that the targets were transported. The targets themselves, however, will be aware of their transport, but not who they transported with or who transported them.

    You are a member of the Town. You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread here: Werewolf XXVII

    The Audience
    Role: The Audience

    Welcome to the Show! I hope you enjoy tonight’s entertainment. There will be intrigue, deception and, of course, excitement! All the nominees will be positively dying to get to know you, your thoughts and, of course, who you choose to eliminate every episode! It is quite the responsibility, so enjoy and, of course, have fun…..

    Powers: You control the vote in the day phase. Whatever outcome you vote for will automatically be the result of the vote, regardless of any other votes. You, and you alone, choose who gets lynched. Choose well. 

    You win if you survive to the end of the game.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread here: Werewolf XXVII

    Wolf Consiglieri
    Role: House of Cards UK: Francis Urquhart (Wolf Consiglieri)

    Oh, my, Mr Chief Whip, you are a sly one. Outwardly humble and loyal but with quite the devious streak. I know you feel slighted by the PM and I know you have your own….’designs’ on the top job yourself. But what will you do to accomplish it? Perhaps ever…Murder?

    Powers: In the night phase, you can investigate one player per night to learn their alignment and role.

    You win with the Wolves. However, being the sly, devious and backstabbing person you are, you only win if the Wolf Chief is dead at the game’s end. If the Wolf Chief is killed, you will become the new Wolf Chief.

    Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. You can find the game thread here: Werewolf XXVII

    Also, the wolf chat will be on discord. An invite will be sent to you. Please check your discord at your earliest convenience.
    2 people like this post: Imaginative Kane, Gerrick
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
    • Some Random Guy
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  • Well played there Michi since you sealed the victory for town by getting Doc voted off and making it easier to tell which of us were wolves. We were talking about killing you that night and then planning to frame Mel for when Svip investigated them but that got messed up. I can see now the kingmaker elements of your role.

    With the backstabbing I needed to do I thought about just ignoring it but then with Abi seeming to be agreed on as more suspicious it seemed like it would happen without my needing to do anything there. Well that was an interesting game.
    Peace through Power!!!
    One Vision, One Purpose!!!!!!!!!
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    Let us not repeat the mistakes of history.

    Now tell me.  What do you see?
    Imaginative Kane
    • Wintreath's Unofficial King of Command & Conquer Single Player and Skirmish vs Easy Opponents as any Faction and against any Faction
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