Post #160792
June 02, 2021, 06:03:18 AM
Very sorry for putting this up late, AP/final exams are not fun!!
I have unfortunately not been very active as a delegate! I hope to change that. In this short campaign, during the summer, I hope to engage more in the RMB, bring back my polling of the week, and other fun things.
I also want to FINALLY update the dispatches in our region's homepage, and also just be more active on the discord and the forums.
Stability is key, but also, Wintreath has always been such a great place. This July makes it four years since I've been in the region. I want to continue to help out in anyway I can! I am really really sorry for not being active at all! Coupled with online school, exams, and the stress of virtual learning, I hope to be able to get that out of the way for the next term in office.
Once AP exams are out of the way, I will, guaranteed, have more time to commit to my duties!
I think I have accomplished a lot this past year as delegate, and I hope to get a lot done! Please consider voting for me!