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Overhusen: The Procedural Rules of the Overhusen Act
Posts: 4 Views: 1023

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Summary
    The Procedural Rules of the Overhusen governed the procedures of the Overhusen throughout its existance, from 2013 to 2021.

    2013.12.09 - Original passage
    2014.11.27 - Passage of the Procedural Rules of the Overhusen Amendment I
    2014.12.19 - Passage of the Procedural Rules of the Overhusen Amendment II
    2021.02.08 - Dissolution of Overhusen

    Final Text

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Overhusen Act.

    Overhusen Procedure

    1. Upon introduction of legislation to the Underhusen, any member of the Overhusen may begin a separate discussion of the proposal within the Overhusen.

    2. Upon passage of legislation by the Underhusen, the proposal shall come to vote within the Overhusen within 48 hours.

    3. Once brought to a vote, the proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Overhusen members have voted for or against the proposal.

    4. When voting, Overhusen members may cast one or the following votes on proposals:
    a. Aye, indicating that the member is voting in favor of the proposal
    b. Nay, indicating that the member is voting against the proposal
    c. Abstain, indicating that the member is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    The Chairperson of the Overhusen

    5. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall be responsible for ensuring that votes for all proposals are opened within 48 hours of passage by the Underhusen in accordance with Section 2 of this Act.

    6. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority to close votes and declare their official outcome in accordance with Section 3 of this Act.
    a. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority hold a vote open after the outcome has been declared, up to 7 days of the vote being introduced.

    7. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority to determine procedure related to any manner that is not covered by this Act.

    8. The Chairman of the Overhusen shall have the power to appoint an Acting Chairman from among the peers of the Overhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the current Chairman, preside over the Overhusen.
    (a) The Acting Chairman, whenever he or she is presiding over the Overhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Chairman.
    (b) The current Monarch may choose to empower the Acting Chairman in the event that the current Chairman is absent for over 48 hours without a declared leave of absence  They will resume all rights and responsibilities until the return of the current Chairman or until a new Chairman is appointed.
    (c) The Acting Chairman shall cease to preside over the Overhusen upon the return of the current Chairman or appointment of a new Chairman.  If the current Chairman was absent without notice after the given length of time, the Acting Chairman will only cease to preside over the Overhusen at the decision of the Monarch.
    (d) In the absence of both the current Chairman and the Acting Chairman, the Monarch may choose to appoint someone as the new Acting Chairman from either inside or outside of the Overhusen.
    (e) The Chairman may choose to appoint an Acting Chairman at any time, and the chosen person will fulfill their duties if the Chairman is absent, whether a notice of absence has been given or not. The chosen candidate must be approved by the Monarch before they can be appointed.

    9. The Chairman of the Overhusen, or Acting Chairman if he/she is in use, shall keep an easily accessible archive of all former and current votes in a way that he/she chooses that all citizens shall have access to.  In the event that the Chairman is unable to keep the archive up to date regularly, they may, at the approval of the Monarch or Regent, appoint a current citizen of Wintreath to assist them.
    « Last Edit: March 18, 2021, 05:05:21 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Original Version

    Time in Effect: December 9th, 2013 (passage of the Act) to November 27th, 2014 (passage of the Procedural Rules of the Overhusen Amendment I)

    Legislative Votes: Overhusen

    Version Text

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Overhusen Act.

    Overhusen Procedure

    1. Upon introduction of legislation to the Underhusen, any member of the Overhusen may begin a separate discussion of the proposal within the Overhusen.

    2. Upon passage of legislation by the Underhusen, the proposal shall come to vote within the Overhusen within 48 hours.

    3. Once brought to a vote, the proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Overhusen members have voted for or against the proposal.

    4. When voting, Overhusen members may cast one or the following votes on proposals:
    a. Aye, indicating that the member is voting in favor of the proposal
    b. Nay, indicating that the member is voting against the proposal
    c. Abstain, indicating that the member is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    The Chairperson of the Overhusen

    5. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall be responsible for ensuring that votes for all proposals are opened within 48 hours of passage by the Underhusen in accordance with Section 2 of this Act.

    6. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority to close votes and declare their official outcome in accordance with Section 3 of this Act.
    a. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority hold a vote open after the outcome has been declared, up to 7 days of the vote being introduced.

    7. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority to determine procedure related to any manner that is not covered by this Act.

    8. When taking a leave of absence, the Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority to appoint an Acting Chairperson until the leave of absence is over. The Acting Chairperson shall assume all the rights and responsibilities of the Chairperson during this time.

    9. In the event that the Chairperson of the Overhusen has been absent for over 48 hours without a declared leave of absence, the Monarch or Regent of Wintreath may name an Acting Chairperson. The Acting Chairperson shall assume all the rights and responsibilities of the Chairperson until the return of the Chairperson or until another permanent Chairperson has been appointed.

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
    • Posts: 19,495
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    • Regional Stability Squad
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Overhusen Amendment I

    Summary: This amendment codified the responsibility of the Overhusen chairman to keep a record of laws and votes (known during this period as the laws page).

    Time in Effect: November 27th, 2014 (passage of the Amendment) to December 19th, 2014 (passage of the Procedural Rules of the Overhusen Act II)

    Legislative Votes: Overhusen

    Amendment Text
    1. Title
      1.1 This shall be titled Procedural Rules of the Overhusen Amendment I
    2. Amendments
      2.1 This shall add section 10 which shall read:

    The Chairman of the Overhusen, or Acting Chairman if he/she is in use, shall keep an easily accessible archive of all former and current votes in a way that he/she chooses that all citizens shall have access to.  In the event that the Chairman is unable to keep the archive up to date regularly, they may, at the approval of the Monarch or Regent, appoint a current citizen of Wintreath to assist them.

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Overhusen Act.

    Overhusen Procedure

    1. Upon introduction of legislation to the Underhusen, any member of the Overhusen may begin a separate discussion of the proposal within the Overhusen.

    2. Upon passage of legislation by the Underhusen, the proposal shall come to vote within the Overhusen within 48 hours.

    3. Once brought to a vote, the proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Overhusen members have voted for or against the proposal.

    4. When voting, Overhusen members may cast one or the following votes on proposals:
    a. Aye, indicating that the member is voting in favor of the proposal
    b. Nay, indicating that the member is voting against the proposal
    c. Abstain, indicating that the member is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    The Chairperson of the Overhusen

    5. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall be responsible for ensuring that votes for all proposals are opened within 48 hours of passage by the Underhusen in accordance with Section 2 of this Act.

    6. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority to close votes and declare their official outcome in accordance with Section 3 of this Act.
    a. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority hold a vote open after the outcome has been declared, up to 7 days of the vote being introduced.

    7. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority to determine procedure related to any manner that is not covered by this Act.

    8. When taking a leave of absence, the Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority to appoint an Acting Chairperson until the leave of absence is over. The Acting Chairperson shall assume all the rights and responsibilities of the Chairperson during this time.

    9. In the event that the Chairperson of the Overhusen has been absent for over 48 hours without a declared leave of absence, the Monarch or Regent of Wintreath may name an Acting Chairperson. The Acting Chairperson shall assume all the rights and responsibilities of the Chairperson until the return of the Chairperson or until another permanent Chairperson has been appointed.

    10. The Chairman of the Overhusen, or Acting Chairman if he/she is in use, shall keep an easily accessible archive of all former and current votes in a way that he/she chooses that all citizens shall have access to.  In the event that the Chairman is unable to keep the archive up to date regularly, they may, at the approval of the Monarch or Regent, appoint a current citizen of Wintreath to assist them.
    « Last Edit: March 18, 2021, 05:03:53 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Amended by the Procedural Rules of the Overhusen Amendment II

    Summary: This amendment merged Sections 8 and 9 of the procedural rules, and added clarification to the processes involving an Acting Chairman.

    Time in Effect: December 19th, 2014 (passage of the Amendment) to February 8th, 2021 (dissolution of the Overhusen)

    Legislative Votes: Overhusen

    Amendment Text
    After some careful thought and consideration and being given okay by Wintermoot,  I wanted to bring another amendment to our procedural rules.  To put it simply, I'd be melding two of the rules:

    8. When taking a leave of absence, the Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority to appoint an Acting Chairperson until the leave of absence is over. The Acting Chairperson shall assume all the rights and responsibilities of the Chairperson during this time.

    9. In the event that the Chairperson of the Overhusen has been absent for over 48 hours without a declared leave of absence, the Monarch or Regent of Wintreath may name an Acting Chairperson. The Acting Chairperson shall assume all the rights and responsibilities of the Chairperson until the return of the Chairperson or until another permanent Chairperson has been appointed.

    into just one with some added features:

    8. The Chairman of the Overhusen shall have the power to appoint an Acting Chairman from among the peers of the Overhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the current Chairman, preside over the Overhusen.
    (a) The Acting Chairman, whenever he or she is presiding over the Overhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Chairman.
    (b) The current Monarch may choose to empower the Acting Chairman in the event that the current Chairman is absent for over 48 hours without a declared leave of absence  They will resume all rights and responsibilities until the return of the current Chairman or until a new Chairman is appointed.
    (c) The Acting Chairman shall cease to preside over the Overhusen upon the return of the current Chairman or appointment of a new Chairman.  If the current Chairman was absent without notice after the given length of time, the Acting Chairman will only cease to preside over the Overhusen at the decision of the Monarch.
    (d) In the absence of both the current Chairman and the Acting Chairman, the Monarch may choose to appoint someone as the new Acting Chairman from either inside or outside of the Overhusen.
    (e) The Chairman may choose to appoint an Acting Chairman at any time, and the chosen person will fulfill their duties if the Chairman is absent, whether a notice of absence has been given or not. The chosen candidate must be approved by the Monarch before they can be appointed.

    All peers may choose to vote Yay or Nay or may choose to abstain from voting. this is a somewhat original (the idea/format taken from Denth's SPT rule in the Underhusen) amendment that is exclusive to the Overhusen, any who wish to discuss it or suggest changes/additions/removals are welcome to do so.

    Amendment Effect

    1. This Act shall be cited as the Procedural Rules of the Overhusen Act.

    Overhusen Procedure

    1. Upon introduction of legislation to the Underhusen, any member of the Overhusen may begin a separate discussion of the proposal within the Overhusen.

    2. Upon passage of legislation by the Underhusen, the proposal shall come to vote within the Overhusen within 48 hours.

    3. Once brought to a vote, the proposal shall remain at vote for seven days or until the requisite number of Overhusen members have voted for or against the proposal.

    4. When voting, Overhusen members may cast one or the following votes on proposals:
    a. Aye, indicating that the member is voting in favor of the proposal
    b. Nay, indicating that the member is voting against the proposal
    c. Abstain, indicating that the member is voting neither in favor of or against the proposal but wishes his or her vote to be recorded.

    The Chairperson of the Overhusen

    5. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall be responsible for ensuring that votes for all proposals are opened within 48 hours of passage by the Underhusen in accordance with Section 2 of this Act.

    6. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority to close votes and declare their official outcome in accordance with Section 3 of this Act.
    a. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority hold a vote open after the outcome has been declared, up to 7 days of the vote being introduced.

    7. The Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority to determine procedure related to any manner that is not covered by this Act.

    8. When taking a leave of absence, the Chairperson of the Overhusen shall have the authority to appoint an Acting Chairperson until the leave of absence is over. The Acting Chairperson shall assume all the rights and responsibilities of the Chairperson during this time.

    9. In the event that the Chairperson of the Overhusen has been absent for over 48 hours without a declared leave of absence, the Monarch or Regent of Wintreath may name an Acting Chairperson. The Acting Chairperson shall assume all the rights and responsibilities of the Chairperson until the return of the Chairperson or until another permanent Chairperson has been appointed.

    8. The Chairman of the Overhusen shall have the power to appoint an Acting Chairman from among the peers of the Overhusen who shall, during a temporary absence of the current Chairman, preside over the Overhusen.
    (a) The Acting Chairman, whenever he or she is presiding over the Overhusen, shall be subject to all constitutional and statutory constraints placed upon the Chairman.
    (b) The current Monarch may choose to empower the Acting Chairman in the event that the current Chairman is absent for over 48 hours without a declared leave of absence  They will resume all rights and responsibilities until the return of the current Chairman or until a new Chairman is appointed.
    (c) The Acting Chairman shall cease to preside over the Overhusen upon the return of the current Chairman or appointment of a new Chairman.  If the current Chairman was absent without notice after the given length of time, the Acting Chairman will only cease to preside over the Overhusen at the decision of the Monarch.
    (d) In the absence of both the current Chairman and the Acting Chairman, the Monarch may choose to appoint someone as the new Acting Chairman from either inside or outside of the Overhusen.
    (e) The Chairman may choose to appoint an Acting Chairman at any time, and the chosen person will fulfill their duties if the Chairman is absent, whether a notice of absence has been given or not. The chosen candidate must be approved by the Monarch before they can be appointed.

    10 9. The Chairman of the Overhusen, or Acting Chairman if he/she is in use, shall keep an easily accessible archive of all former and current votes in a way that he/she chooses that all citizens shall have access to.  In the event that the Chairman is unable to keep the archive up to date regularly, they may, at the approval of the Monarch or Regent, appoint a current citizen of Wintreath to assist them.
    « Last Edit: March 18, 2021, 05:04:56 AM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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