What's your favourite favourite? 
TGN, What are your:
- Top 5 favorite (I spelled it your way, so you don't yell at me) books?
- Top 5 Musical Artists or Bands?
- Most favorite region besides Wintreath? (I know you have puppets elsewhere, but Wintreath is sure to be your most favorite one, as it is mine. Amirite?)
well thank you for spelling it right, I will spare you
for now1. Maus
2. Maus II
3. Illustrated Novel of World War one
4. Ireland (yes that is what it was called, it is a book about the land, culture, and language
5. Sweden (^)
1. Avenged Sevenfold (don't judge)
2. Hail to the King
3. Für Elise (polar opposite music)
4. We All Fall Down (COD BO2 Die Rise music easter egg)
5. Carrion (^ but for Tranzit)
(Hail Tubbius) [it's an inside joke, Wintreath would never understand)