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Burn exactly one thing down - Barnes for Underhusen/Cabinet
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  • Former Citizen
  • Wintrean Press Secretary
  • Hey everyone, it's me again. Apologies for the delays.

    I am looking to continue my current mandate as Skrifa of the Underhusen and Thane of Foreign Releases in the Cabinet. Though discussions and progress have been on the back burner for the last several months, I was able to release Wintreath's first Orendi in nearly a year, and contributed to significant procedural reform in the Underhusen.

    With a second term in the Underhusen, we will further discuss streamlining our Underhusen and government, including proposals to disband the Underhusen entirely. This will require an amendment to the Fundamental Laws, and while we are looking to make quick work of it, we welcome any public input for the best solution that will pass a referendum.

    With a second term in the Cabinet, I wish to continue producing Orendis as a main contributor/designer, and to improve my graphic design and publishing skills.

    Cabinet questionnaire.
    Why are you running for this position? I mostly want to improve on my current work and skillset, and to increase my output for Orendis and dispatches.
    What measurable mandate do you aim to accomplish as thane? Have you fulfilled your mandate from the previous term? I am giving myself a goal to publish another Orendi before year's end (a holiday special, of sorts), as well as a second Orendi before the end of this term. Though I would love to be more ambitious than that, I need to figure out how to not bite off more than I can chew.
    I feel as though I've fulfilled my goal of "never-before-seen articles" from last term, but only weakly. Each Orendi is unique, and I would like to continue that trend and find more ways to set us and our articles/culture apart from other regions. I will be working with Michi on these more subjective goals as well.

    What qualifications or experience do you have in the area that you are running in? Though I am the current Thane of Foreign Releases, I have also served as Thane of Information (a similar position from 2015) and Speaker of the Underhusen, where I developed my writing of Wintrean laws and topics.

    How do you plan to have the time to fulfill the duties of the position until the next election in March? This is where I will apologize for not having made the time for my Cabinet work recently. Though I had said I would be working only part-time, after my most recent Orendi was published, my work schedule became a lot busier and more uncertain, which took a toll on my energy and mental health. I have found a new position with "normal" weekday/daytime hours, which should be more manageable for me.

    Are you currently a part of any other NationStates regional or organizational government? I am not.

    Thank you, everyone, for your time and audience.
    3 people like this post: Dawsinian, taulover, Red Mones
    • Wintrean Press Secretary
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    • credit to @DorkCollie
    • Former Citizen
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      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • * Dawsinian endorses both campaigns
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