Yosh fellow Wintreans, Sapph here
Let's get the serious and repetitive stuff out of the way first. After joining the community in 2014, I have served as a Skrifa, Speaker of the Underhusen, Thane of Culture and recently, Citizens' Council Member. Now onto more interesting stuff.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that if you were to sleep like a log, you would wake up in the fire place. It should not be surprising to find out that when I searched for how to find a solution for the Underhusen, the results came "no matches found". While it did not delight me, it made me see the light and reignited my creative spark.
My first term in the Underhusen saw the ratification of the Omnibus Correction Act, which yes it did satisfy my internal spelling, grammar, punctuation and formatting uniformity checker, in retrospect is nothing more than busywork. And this should be taken into consideration when that term is regarded as a high activity term.
My next term in the Underhusen saw me as the Speaker of the Underhusen, who set the agenda of "
Establish a suitable replacement to take charge of the Underhusen's legislative duties while providing another avenue of advancement." This in turn led to many productive discussions in the Constitutional Convention, but led to no real outcome beyond trauma and fatigue. The fact that such a discussion started as early as 2015 is noteworthy.
Recently, I was elected as a Citizens' Council Member, under the premise that "
this can possibly be a replacement for our defunct legislature in the future". Since this newly created institution is in its formative years, I will watch its career with great interest.
Therefore, why am I here? We didn't start the fire, it was always burning.