@taulover: Burn It Down openly schemed to turn the election into a constitutional crisis, several people including myself took extraordinary measures to denounce what they were doing, and they still only lost by 8-5. Sure, Doc didn't win, but he did show that BID has more supporters than it once had and that they’re willing to go further to make their points than they once were. What happens if a few others change their mind in the future?
Perhaps you see the result as proof that the system is working, but I see it as a warning shot showing that sentiment is changing against the current system. People may see it as a valid system and the current legitimate system, but that doesn’t mean it’s held in high regard.
That is why I focused so much time pondering, researching, and drafting my original proposal. It entirely preserved the Underhusen’s current roles and authorities, and added a new dimension that would give it new opportunities and ways to make a difference in the region. I believe that nobody but Chanku holds the current system in especially high regard, but at the same time I believe that if the Underhusen had a role that made more of a difference, most people would be satisfied.
I was more than a little surprised and disappointed when the response from the Underhusen was silence. Had the UH not liked the proposal that would have been one thing...at least it was a fresh take that sparked some discussion and maybe got others thinking on how to make the Underhusen more meaningful. But nobody from the Underhusen even commented on it, because the Underhusen once again went inactive, and this time it didn’t even have the excuse of not having anything to discuss or do. I’m not alone though...Dawsinian’s judicial reform proposal, ogun’s commendations (in fairness to him he has tried to prod the UH to action), monkey’s alternative UH proposal...all just pretty much dropped.
At the very least, I can’t imagine this showing is going to revive support for the current system.
So now I’m running this as an experiment under my own authority, because I would like to see if we can make something out of a representative body, and I can’t force the Underhusen to accept my proposal. But as Gerrick stated, the lack of enthusiasm makes one wonder if there just isn’t much interest in representative democracy in Wintreath regardless of what body it is.
Perhaps the issue goes beyond the Underhusen specifically. Perhaps there isn’t much interest in regional or community governance in Wintreath nowadays, and most people are content to let the Monarchy and administration do as they please so long as it doesn’t interfere with what they like doing here. I have noticed that isn’t uncommon in NationStates user-created regions these days. Or perhaps people don’t fully understand what the Citizens’ Council will do, which is understandable because at the moment that’s very ambiguous. If this term is successful, perhaps a December election would draw more interest. Even if the elections themselves are unsuccessful but other aspects are (such as getting people involved in governance), then that at least that would be something we can build on.
Ultimately, it will probably take two full terms to be able to conclude what has worked and what hasn’t worked here, which is why it really is an experiment. The proposal itself isn’t directly connected to Doc at all, but I think BID’s showing in the election has made it a more urgent issue than it has been, and even if that wasn’t the case we should make an effort to close a debate that’s been going on for over 5 years now.
That’s pretty much where I’m at on this at the moment.