During this festival hopefully there will be times for playing games in groups.
Some games can be played any or most times of day. These include the .io games, and Town of Salem. But to play games as a community we need coordination of schedules.
A thematically appropriate .io game would be Mope.io because that game is all about surviving as animals in the style of Agar.io, another one would be Starve.io as a nature survival game. Ark: Survival Evolved would be a thematically appropriate not online game of survival in the natural world, not sure of any thematically similar games though.
What games should we play online. This coordination can also happen on Discord. If you want to coordinate with me there, my username is Toxic Animal (or on the Wintreath server Milk, Grapes and Tomatos Glutton.)
Some games that I can start playing for group sessions through Steam are: Ark: Survival Evolved, Borderlands 2, Jackbox Party Packs 1-4, Drawful 2, Civilization 5, Command & Conquer Remastered, and Realm of the Mad God.
What are some games you can play.
By the way a good website for finding a lot of these .io games is