Post #152748
September 27, 2020, 08:17:29 AM
In this time of crazy events, riots, a virus, continued government shenanigans and the like...unsurprisingly there's a lot of news going around. Whether it's fabricated stuff, legitimate articles, a mix of both, some guy screaming at the camera for 30 minutes and spitting at people, there's always something being talked about in the topic of current events happening around us.
How do you keep up with the news? Do you have a main outlet that you view/read/listen to specifically for your current updates? How you do you feel about this ongoing battle of "Real versus fake news" and how has it affected you (if at all) from how you view your source? Are there certain outlets that you'd avoid or recommend others avoid for that reason?
For me, I don't have a main source of news, though I mainly stick to the internet unless there's really nothing better on TV. But I usually go between different sources for stories, whether it be right/left leaning to kind of get an idea how both sides are talking about the same story. Since biases are indeed a big thing, I usually just feel like I can get more of the actual truth from looking at both sides and pulling out the common denominators, and just sort of piecing it together.
I really hate the battle between "real versus fake" because for me, the person trying to get the truth, it becomes difficult when one or both sides fabricate/exaggerate aspects, turn it more into an opinion piece over a piece telling what's going on, or a political grudge match of "the liberal media/republicans don't want to admit this" type of piece. I don't care that you think that Republicans are going to spin the story, and I don't care that you think liberals said something stupid, I just want to know the cold hard un-polititicized truths.
Since I normally go through many various outlets, it hasn't really affected much outside of seeing more of the ridiculousness in certain publications like Fox News (which is one I'd recommend people avoiding since their bias is strong, and they're known to really exaggerate and fabricate topics...though I occasionally read their articles purely for the lolz), or CNN which can be pretty borderline on its credibility to me personally sometimes.
Outside of Fox, though, there really isn't one I'd specifically say to avoid except for the ones that outright claim they're tabloids or pride on click-baity article names that pull you in since 9/10 times the article ends up being some trashy opinion piece that gives virtually no new information on articles. And because someone needs to hear this somewhere: The Enquirer is not credible news, and it amazes me when people treat it as such.
I guess I'd also say to avoid simply "word of mouth" hearing of news since misinformation is definitely a thing in this day and age, and just hearing it from your friends and family will give you next to none of the entire story behind something. Get online, look it up, look at several sources if you wish for a better understanding, and get in the know that way.