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Recognition of the Events of February 22-23
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☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Why not the Remembrance & Reconciliation Act? Remembering the events and the reconciliation that followed?

    I 2nd this proposal
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    ❤️ Caitlin ❤️
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    ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
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  • Quote
    5. The month of November will henceforth be declared as
    6. The month of February will hereby be declared as
    7. Finally, March 23rd will henceforth be known as
    You used three different ways to say the same thing, which kinda bothers me for some reason, but maybe that's just me. :P I'd use either the third or second version for all three instances.

    The commas also seem a bit wonky throughout, but I'll leave those corrections to someone who knows the rules better than me. Plus, it's not a big deal.
    1 person likes this post: taulover

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • The commas are probably the result of sentences which are far too long. If you can see a way of cutting down on these, I'm all ears.

    And yeah, the same way it bothers you to see three different ways to say the same thing, it bothers me to repeat it the whole time (a holdover from creative writing in school, which I'll admit is not relevant in crafting legislation, but we all have our quirks).

    Additionally, Doc has proposed the title: Regional Reconciliation Commemoration Act. I quite like it.
    3 people like this post: Michi, Gerrick, taulover
    « Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 01:45:09 AM by Laurentus »
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Quote
    1. This act will be cited as the Regional Reconciliation Commemoration Act.

    2. With this act, the Storting wishes to recognise the great strife that existed in Wintreath in November 2019, known colloquially as the November Crisis and the Great Schism, during which a breakdown of open communications and trust led several citizens, government officials and members of administration to start questioning each other's motives and intent when dissatisfaction was shown about certain incidents and the administration team's handling of them. It is a great tragedy only made possible by a lack of trust and closed-door communications by the respective parties involved, which eventually led to various accusations of conspiracies against those dissatisfied, and similar accusations of favouritism in administration appointments, which we now know to be untrue.

    3. It also wishes to recognise the events late in February 2020, where an incident of an administrative nature sparked a series of events including the banishment of several former and current Citizens, regarding threats of forum/site destruction, and the subsequent confrontation and clearing of the air between those who had left and the Discord ops team, which allowed for the reconciliation of the community and the further discovery of a malicious actor that had been playing both sides against each other for the purpose of inflaming the situation further.

    4. Additionally, it wishes to establish a regional holiday, the first of its kind, to commemmorate how close we came to our destruction, and how we came together at the last minute to start mending the relationships that had been harmed throughout the incidents.

    5. The month of November will henceforth be declared as the Month of Remembrance, in recognition of how the worst crisis in Wintreath's history started. The Storting strongly encourages the creation of an event to take place annually to help present and future citizens remember the lessons learned in that period.

    6. The month of February will hereby be declared as the Month of Rekindling, to commemorate the severed ties between our citizens being rekindled, even as this process was sparked by great conflict. The Storting also highly encourages the creation of a celebratory event all citizens and foreign dignitaries can take part in to mark the occasion.

    7. Finally, March 23rd will henceforth be known as the Day of Reconciliation, in honour of the confrontation that took place in our main Discord channel, beginning on the 22nd, that saw several banned citizens and former citizens have their bans reversed, and start the process of rekindling old relationships within the region.

    8. With the establishment of the regional holiday, and the declaration of November as the Month of Remembrance and February as the Month of Rekindling, the Storting wishes to formally record these events as being possibly the most important since the region's founding, and also wishes to remind all our citizens of the importance of open communication and trust when faced with a severe problem. It should also be noted that the involvement of a malicious actor was only successful because of each party's own paranoia, distrust and lack of open communication, and that said malicious actor should not be used as a scapegoat for all the problems. This act wishes to establish trust and open communication as core principles in any communications current and future Wintreans have, even when it is uncomfortable. May these lessons never be forgotten.
    1 person likes this post: ☆ Princess Abigail ☆
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • For archival purposes:
    Quote from: Laurentus (#storting)
    Er. I just realised I didn't actually specify that we were declaring the 23rd of Feb a public holiday. I said we would create one earlier in the bill, but not the exact day that would receive this designation. Awkward.

    Okay, thread is opened, @Hapi Ever After, @Pengu, @AJ and @Doc.

    Do any of you have a suggestion for how to change the wording?
    Perhaps we should add a clause which adds an amendment to the Wintreath Holidays Act, as that act states that that is how you go about declaring a holiday. (The bill itself would not be an amendment considering its other contents, but would contain an amendment to the holiday act.)
    1 person likes this post: Michi
    « Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 11:31:31 PM by taulover »
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