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Mad Scientist Runs for Re-Election: Frankenstein Inevitable?
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  • Former Citizen
  • Supreme Grand Admiral of The Emoticonian Army
  • Thane of Regional Outreach Campaign

    Let's meet the bare minimum before we start.
    1) Why are you running for this position?

    The position is a unique blend of culture, foreign affairs and outreach. It's an incredibly flexible position that allows for equally flexible initiatives and the possibilities are limitless. There's a lot of freedom involved in it.

    2) What do you aim to accomplish as thane? As part of this, you must include at least one thing that you promise to do beyond the minimum listed duties of the position during your term. It should be measurable, so that it's black and white whether you fulfilled this mandate at the end of the term if you are elected.

    I want to create something new and innovative. Something unique to Wintreath. Something that has never been done before in NationStates. More than that I want it to be wildly successful.

    2a) If you are an incumbent running for re-election, did you fulfill your mandate from the September election? If not, why didn't you?

    I wasn't elected in the first place. There was also no mandate. You will find no answers here. :P

    3) What qualifications or experience do you have in the area that you are running in?

    I have a long history of work in culture, foreign affairs, outreach and media experience in NationStates spanning six years.

    4) How do you plan to have the time to fulfill the duties of the position until the next election in March?

    I don't have much else to do. Not gonna neglect my other non-responsibilities though. Romani must protect the cows!

    5) Are you currently a part of any other NationStates regional or organizational government? If so, please include those regions and positions.

    Surprisingly I am not.

    Now that that is out of the way my primary goal as Thane of Regional Outreach is experimentation. I want to break NS traditions and make way for new, modern approaches to the fields of outreach and foreign affairs via culture-based activities. I can only do that here in Wintreath, in this position because no where else in NationStates is this encouraged. I'm not gonna lie, my reasons are not entirely selfless. However the fact remains that Wintreath stands to benefit from it. Wintreath is a place that demands something new. I wish to bring that something new.

    I have endeavored to achieve that in the past with the puzzles we released through our embassies abroad and the writing prompt we released through those same embassies. The former met with a semblance of success and interest from our peers.

    Underhusen Campaign

    I am also running for a spot on the Underhusen. I haven't done much in the way of legislating. I freely admit that. I've been around for a while though and to be honest it's about time I stepped up my legislating game. I've spent ample time discussing the merits and lack-therein of treaties (in The Rejected Realms), debating law in other regions (in The Rejected Realms, Renegade Islands Alliance, possibly a few others I can't remember) and interpreting it as well (in Lazarus). So I believe I'm prepared for this job. I believe I'm prepared to help this region from the Underhusen.
    5 people like this post: Ogun of Valeria, Katie, Gerrick, taulover, Wintermoot
    « Last Edit: November 29, 2019, 05:40:44 PM by Emoticonius »
    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

    Potential clients should PM or Query Emoticonius
    • Supreme Grand Admiral of The Emoticonian Army
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Welcome to the campaign! :)

    You mentioned that your motives aren't entirely selfless...besides perhaps being the person that brings about some great change in NS, what do you hope to get out of the position and the region in general? I've noticed that you've been more involved in Wintreath lately, and it's interesting to note that surprisingly (in your own words) you aren't involved in any other regional governments. Do you feel that your relationship with Wintreath has changed in comparison with your relationship with other regions over the past few months?
    1 person likes this post: Katie

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Former Citizen
  • Supreme Grand Admiral of The Emoticonian Army
  • Welcome to the campaign! :)

    You mentioned that your motives aren't entirely selfless...besides perhaps being the person that brings about some great change in NS, what do you hope to get out of the position and the region in general? I've noticed that you've been more involved in Wintreath lately, and it's interesting to note that surprisingly (in your own words) you aren't involved in any other regional governments. Do you feel that your relationship with Wintreath has changed in comparison with your relationship with other regions over the past few months?
    Well I'm looking for something fun. At the same time I'm hoping everyone else will have fun too. :)

    My relationship with Wintreath hasn't changed. We've had the same dynamic we've had for the last few years and I think we've both enjoyed it.  It's just that I've grown bored of trying to get The Rejected Realms to try something different. They simply refuse to break out of their shell and after years of trying I just can't keep it up. That doesn't mean I've given up on them but the real work is here. Wintreath however doesn't even have a shell. Pardon the phrase but Wintreath is out and proud. So there's always opportunity for fun and it's definitely not a place prone to boredom.
    2 people like this post: Katie, taulover
    “I support anyone’s right to be who they want to be. My question is: to what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?” - Dave Chappelle
    7:42 PM <Govindia> eh, i like the taste of nuts in my mouth

    Potential clients should PM or Query Emoticonius
    • Supreme Grand Admiral of The Emoticonian Army
    • Posts: 993
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    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
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