Section I: Ambassador Information1) Who are you and what region do you represent? I'm Aelita Venzalor, Prime Minister and Acting Foreign Secretary of New United Kingdom.
2) Are you replacing an ambassador from this region? If so, who? Not to my knowledge.
3) Does your region already have relations with us, or are you requesting an embassy as well? We don't currently have relations with Wintreath.
Section II: Embassy InformationFill this out ONLY if requesting a new embassy1) What made your region decide to pursue relations with Wintreath? Your Thane of Diplomatic Affairs happens to be our Queen and Culture Secretary. ^_^
2) How do you feel our regions can help each other in the future? A diplomatic and cultural association with Wintreath would allow us to stoke some activity through interregional events. In addition, should NUK ever choose to establish a military, we would certainly look into cooperation with our allies. (And relations with Wintreath would get Katie off my back

3) What is your region's military stance? (defender, raider, imperialist, neutral, etc) Neutral at this time, though we do not currently have an operational military.
4) Do you have an off-site forum? If so, provide a link.
Have a link.