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AJ's campaign for Underhusen
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AJ BLarg
  • Former Citizen
  • Lord of the BLargs
  • I was nominated a couple of terms back, but as I wasn't able to stand due to military events occurring, since I'm more free now, I would like to stand this round of the Underhusen. I am generally very active in the Discord, and I hope to have made some good impressions there. I hope to be more active on the forums, now that I'm more available in real life, as military life is settling down now that I'm at my first duty station, and I hope to serve the region well.

    I have experience in leadership both in high school (about two to three years ago now), and since joining the military I've gone through a leadership course, and was given opportunities to lead here in the United States Navy without any major incidents, or anything major happening under my watch. I promote good comradery, and working together for a goal. Different views are perfectly fine, as long as everyone can work together, and I hope I haven't made many foes in the years I've spent in Wintreath's IRC, back when that was primary form of non-forums casual conversation, and then the Discord, where I'm one of the most active members.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my self-nominated campaign speech, if this can be called one.

    -King AJ Swain, of the Grand Land of BLarg.
    1 person likes this post: Katie
    AJ BLarg
    • Lord of the BLargs
    • Posts: 120
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  • Former Citizen
  • The Cheese
  • So glad to see you running AJ! Just one question:

    Despite being active in the discord almost every day, you only made around 6 or 7 posts in the forums last year, 2 of which were citizenship renewals, and the most recent of which being in early August. How can you assure the people of Wintreath that you will be active in the coming term?
    Lady Katherine Ostergaard
    Countess of Osterfell, Matriarch of the Noble House of Ostergaard

    Discord: Katie#3933

      • Fmr. Thane of WA Affairs
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    • The Cheese
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    AJ BLarg
  • Former Citizen
  • Lord of the BLargs
  • Cheers, @Katie.

    I can definitely see your cause for concern due to my lack of Forum based postings, and I say that was mostly around due to the difficulty of the school, where I even was gone from Discord for lengths of time, and the beginning of my naval career through boot camp, from March to Late April. Now that I'm at my first official duty station, things should be much more manageable now, and I should be able to keep up with everything going on. Thank you for your question!
    3 people like this post: Clytirrisia, Katie, Imaginative Kane
    AJ BLarg
    • Lord of the BLargs
    • Posts: 120
    • Karma: 121
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
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