Post #134043
December 05, 2018, 11:09:54 PM
Section I: Basic Information
1) Hello! My name is Ryan. I was lead to NationStates by one of my friends and decided to check it out. I hope to gain experience, entertainment, RP, and just all around fun from the game. I live somewhere in the State of Arkansas and currently 16 (as of this application).
2) Central Time Zone
3) I found out from Wintermoot who gave the most appealing telegram out of them all.
4) I'm just getting to become more social, and I figured this was a great way of doing so. Also, I love to RP. I used to do it a lot as a child, and still do it some today, so I figured "Why not?"
Section II: NationStates
5) The Most Serene Republic of Valtrona.
6) No, this is my first nation.
7) Yes, very much so.