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Contagion Quarantine Authorization Act of 2018
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    1. This act is to be cited as the Contagion Quarantine Authorization Act of 2018

    Authorizations of Power
    2. The Storting grants the Monarchy authority over creating and maintaing information on potential bacteria, viruses, and fungi that could cause outbreaks and mass panics.
    3. The Storting grants the Monarchy the authority to, during periods of outbreak and infection, declare Martial Law over areas of Wintreath. Such Martial Law will suspend Section 2.1 of the Citizenship and Demonym Act and permits the forceful quarantine or expulsion of any individual that refuses to aid in the containment of such outbreak, or any individual that fails to adhere to procedure to contain the outbreak. A declaration of Martial Law must be presented to the Storting, and the Storting reserves the authority to rescind such a declaration at any time, with or without the permission or assent of the Monarchy. The Monarchy must rescind the declaration after the outbreak has been contained and is no longer a threat.
    4. It is requested that the Monarchy establish proper contingency plans in the event of an outbreak, such that an order of operation may be established to ensure the orderly operation of the Government, and it is additionally requested that the Monarchy share such information with the relevant authorities of the Storting, if not the Storting itself.
    5. It is requested that such an agency include the relevant officers and authorities of the Storting.

    6. Any citizen forcefully quarantined or expelled under Section 3 of this act is to be considered in compliance with Section 2.1.1 of the Citizenship and Demonym Act for a period of no longer than one month from the rescission of the declaration of Martial Law.

    7. This act expires on the first day of January of the year two-hundred and nineteen of the common era, at one minute past the first hour of that day. Upon expiration any declared Martial Law immediately ends, and all parts of this law are rendered invalid, except for Section 6 of this act, which is to continue in its effect until no citizens are covered under the exception.

    I introduce this act into the Underhusen for discussion for a period of forty-eight hours, after which a motion may be made.

    This act basically is a bit of a 'flavor' law, that would set forth official policy for the upcoming Z-Day event. This was discussed with @Wintermoot who had no issues with this act.
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    See you later space cowboy.
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  • Ah, I see. Well, if Wintermoot has no problem with it, why not?
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  • Looks good.

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  • I like what I'm seeing, and the few concerns I have might just be nitpicking. I like that we're setting this in stone, as some misguided souls have complained about it in the past, but there is one concern with the act.

    "Such Martial Law will suspend Section 2.1 of the Citizenship and Demonym Act and permits the forceful quarantine or expulsion of any individual that refuses to aid in the containment of such outbreak, or any individual that fails to adhere to procedure to contain the outbreak."

    For the first bolded part, I want to make sure there isn't a contradiction in the act itself. We say here that this act suspends 2.1 of the citizenship and demonym act, and yet later, in section 6 of the current bill, we say citizens will still be in compliance with section 2.1.1 of the citizenship and demonym act. How can they be in compliance with a part of an act that is explicitly mentioned as being suspended?

    For the second bolded part, does this mean that those who are offline, incapable or unwilling to take part in the festivities are forced to be expelled?

    This wouldn't be too bad, since I get why we don't want to waste time and resources on those nations that don't wish to contribute, or worse, actively support the zombies, but I then wonder whether we shouldn't make it more explicit that they are welcomed back after the Z-day event ends. Solving the seeming contradiction of the first bolded part would also be good, in that scenario.

    I get that this is one of the sillier bills the UH will consider during this term, but I really don't want a silly bill like this to cause more trouble than it is worth.
    1 person likes this post: Michi
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  • I like what I'm seeing, and the few concerns I have might just be nitpicking. I like that we're setting this in stone, as some misguided souls have complained about it in the past, but there is one concern with the act.

    "Such Martial Law will suspend Section 2.1 of the Citizenship and Demonym Act and permits the forceful quarantine or expulsion of any individual that refuses to aid in the containment of such outbreak, or any individual that fails to adhere to procedure to contain the outbreak."

    For the first bolded part, I want to make sure there isn't a contradiction in the act itself. We say here that this act suspends 2.1 of the citizenship and demonym act, and yet later, in section 6 of the current bill, we say citizens will still be in compliance with section 2.1.1 of the citizenship and demonym act. How can they be in compliance with a part of an act that is explicitly mentioned as being suspended?

    For the second bolded part, does this mean that those who are offline, incapable or unwilling to take part in the festivities are forced to be expelled?

    This wouldn't be too bad, since I get why we don't want to waste time and resources on those nations that don't wish to contribute, or worse, actively support the zombies, but I then wonder whether we shouldn't make it more explicit that they are welcomed back after the Z-day event ends. Solving the seeming contradiction of the first bolded part would also be good, in that scenario.

    I get that this is one of the sillier bills the UH will consider during this term, but I really don't want a silly bill like this to cause more trouble than it is worth.
    As stated within the Discord, there is no contradiction. Section 6 is merely for after the state of Martial Law ends, it basically says that anyone who is a citizen after the declaration has a period of one month to return their nation to Wintreath. Section 3 merely exists to prevent the possibility of someone having their citizenship revoked after ejection during z-day. As such, Section 6's purpose is ENTIRELY to protect people who were ejected/banjected during the event, so that they don't accidentally lose citizenship.

    As for the ejection of those who are unable to participate, being expelled, that is up to the implementation by the Monarch and by administration. The reason for the inclusion of that people who are deliberately refusing to help can be removed. I do not intend for people who can not participate during the event to be removed from the region.
    See you later space cowboy.
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  • I hope not since I do not intend to participate.
    2 people like this post: taulover, Katie
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  • I am completely against the expulsion of members for not participating. I can participate, but I choose not to as I do not enjoy it.
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    Lady Katherine Ostergaard
    Countess of Osterfell, Matriarch of the Noble House of Ostergaard

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  • Since no motion has been made thusfar, no further deliberation has happened, not everyone seems to be in agreement with the bill, and the five day motion deadline is fast approaching:

    I motion to table this legislation.
    Lady Katherine Ostergaard
    Countess of Osterfell, Matriarch of the Noble House of Ostergaard

    Discord: Katie#3933

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  • I actually motion to vote.
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  • I second

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  • Which motion do you second?
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  • To vote. I tought there was only one motion to second

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  • Katie motioned to table.
    In die donker ure skink net duiwels nog 'n dop, 
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  • Motion to vote passes
    See you later space cowboy.
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