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Underhusen Weekly Report - 29th Term Final Edition - Volume 1 Issue 8
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  • Former Citizen
  • The Cheese
  • Good day to y’all! It’s Katie again. This week I’d like to bring you the thing you’ve all been waiting for, the comprehensive, the all-encompassing...
    Underhusen Weekly Report – 29th Term Final Edition

    This time around we’ve basically got the same thing as the midterm report: lots of legislation and lots of articles. Since not a lot happened in the later part of the term, I’ve saved y’all some trouble and spoilered the article section, but if you can’t remember some of the good times we’ve had, feel free to read them all day!
    Quote from: Event Recap
    • 07.08.2018 – After the standard scheduled Underhusen elections, Chanku, North, Syraj, Katie, and Evanlicious are elected. Crushita did not win, sadly, but their efforts were much appreciated. Notably, Katie was included on all 13 votes cast, the most of any candidate.
    • 11.8.2018Chanku is elected as the Chair of the Underhusen. He wins 3-2 over North via a tie-breaker vote that he cast himself.
    • 13.8.2018 – Speaker Chanku appoints Syraj as Chair Pro Tempore and Katie as Officer of Information. A brief controversy arises regarding the speaker possibly having promised Katie the OoI position, but the Speaker assured those in doubt that he would have chosen someone else had he seen their merit to be greater.
    • 23.8.2018 – Speaker Chanku activates Pro Tempore Syraj’s chairing powers due to a Leave of Absence. This lasted from August 23rd at 2:29 AM EST to August 24th at 6:35 PM EST.
    • 28.8.2018 – Speaker Chanku declares Evanlicious to be inactive, citing a lack of activity, specifically that he had not posted a single message on the Wintreath forums since the Speaker Elections concluded on August 11th. Attempts were made to contact Evanlicious through NS Telegrams soon afterward.
    • 04.9.2018Evanlicious resigns as Skrifa, triggering a special election, and causing him to be removed from the inactivity list.
    • 13.09.2018Crushita wins the Underhusen Special Election by default and fills the position vacated by former Skrifa Evanlicious.
    • 07.10.2018 - After a long and productive term, the 29th term officially ends with the election of the 30th Underhusen consisting of Chanku, North, Syraj, Katie, and Laurentus. Long-time Skrifa Crushita loses yet again, and the respectable Pengu comes in last place.

    Members of the Twenty-Ninth Underhusen
    Speaker - Chanku
    Speaker Pro Tempore - Syraj
    Officer of Information - Katie

    Evanlicious Resigned on September 4th 2018.
    Crushita Elected on September 13th 2018.

    Quote from: Legislation Recap
    Bill TitleAuthorIntroduced OnStatus
    Fundamental Laws Supremacy Amendment Act 1Chanku11.8.2018PASSED 4-0-0-1; OH PASSED 3-0-0-2
    Procedural Rules Error Correction Act 2Chanku11.8.2018PASSED 4-0-0-1
    Underhusen Style and Honours Act 3Syraj12.8.2018TABLED
    Authorization of Direct Management of Culture Act 4Katie14.8.2018FAILED 0-3-0-2
    Reon Commendation Act North14.8.2018PASSED 3-1-0-1; OH PASSED 5-0-0-0
    Authorization of Direct Management of Culture Act (revision 1)Katie18.8.2018PASSED 3-0-1-1; OH FAILED 0-4-1-0
    Speaker Election Amendment Act 5North20.8.2018TABLED
    The Persona Non Grata Amendment Act 6Syraj20.8.2018PASSED 3-1-0-1; OH FAILED 0-4-0-1
    Seating Act of The Thirtieth Session of The Underhusen 7North05.9.2018FAILED 1-3-0-0
    Seating Act for the Thirtieth UnderhusenNorth09.9.2018PASSED 4-0-1-0
    Criminal Code 8Chanku10.9.2018TABLED
    Citizenship Requirements Ratification Act 9Chanku14.9.2018DEAD
    • adds a 13th article to the Fundamental Laws.
    • corrects a wording issue in Section 11(b) of the Procedural Rules of the Underhusen.
    • adds a 4th section to what is presumably the Underhusen Styles and Honours Act.
    • reintroduces a bill tabled during the 28th Storting.
    • closes a possible loophole in Speaker Election procedures.
    • modifies and adds a 6th section to the Persona Non Grata Act.
    • sets the number of Skrifa for the 30th term Underhusen.
    • Completely rewrites the Wintreath Criminal Code.
    • Makes changes to the requirements for maintaining one’s citizenship.


    The Fundamental Laws Supremacy Amendment Act
    This session saw the reintroduction of the Fundamental Laws Supremacy Amendment Act, which had been introduced during the Twenty-Eighth session by current Speaker of the Underhusen Chanku L. Kaizer. It was reintroduced to the floor of the Underhusen on August 11th by Speaker Chanku. The act seeks to explicitly establish the Fundamental Laws, our constitution, as above any other law or document, to fix a potential loophole in the current system. The current system would allow the Storting to legally alter the Fundamental Laws with statutory law, as the Storting has the power to pass laws in all matters, with the supremacy of the Fundamental Laws is only a legal norm and custom.

    The amendment itself explicitly declares that a law that conflicts with the Fundamental Laws is invalid. This also extends to decrees and rulings to protect the Fundamental Laws. While this situation would ultimately be fruitless, it would be legally possible to do it which is concerning enough none-the-less. Additionally, it makes it harder for a bad actor or a group of bad actors, to harm Wintreath.

    Upon being reintroduced, the bill provoked some discussion and reactions, with some clarifications being made, and it was quickly moved to a vote. Upon voting on the act, it was almost unanimously passed the Underhusen, with Evanlicious not voting. The act passed the Overhusen with a majority of three, the other two peers (Aragonn and Cinciri) abstaining. As such this amendment will now be moved to a vote by the Citizenry during the next election, where it is to be seen if it will be passed or rejected, although there is currently no opposition to this amendment.

    The Persona-Non-Grata Amendment Act
    The Persona Non Grata Amendment Act was proposed to the floor of the Underhusen on August 20th by Skrifa Syraj. Its original stated purpose was to give overriding rights to the Monarch and the Storting regarding each other’s PNG declarations, citing a potential misuse of the current system by a “bad Storting” that would necessitate an appeal by the Monarch. Immediately fellow Skrifa were skeptical, but Skrifa Katie attempted to bring a compromise by making such an appellate process more difficult.

    The topic was also highly debated in its thread in the Citizen’s Platform. Thane of Dispatches taulover expressed, in response to Skrifa Katie’s rebuttal of the Speaker’s arguments, the concern that since the Storting and the Monarchy are separated to the point that they cannot interfere with each other, increasing more checks may increase the amount of interference. “The Overhusen represents the Monarch”, as taulover says.

    In the end, the act passed the Underhusen with only Speaker Chanku voting against. Skrifa North originally abstained but switched his vote to “aye”, citing Evanlicious’ inactivity and intent to expedite the passage of the bill. The bill failed the Overhusen with a unanimous “nay” vote. An oft-quoted source for their opposition to the bill was Speaker Chanku’s initial arguments regarding the bill’s pitfalls.

    The Speaker Election Amendment Act
    The Speaker Election Amendment Act was presented to the floor of the Underhusen on August 20th by Skrifa North. It was intended (at least from what can be ascertained) to address the issue of tiebreaking in Underhusen Speaker elections by introducing 3 tie-breaking ballots and allowing the Monarch a tie-break vote in the event of the failure of the extra ballots.

    Quite quickly, many questions arose from fellow Skrifa. Skrifa Katie was concerned that the wording of the bill implied that there were already multiple ballots, and Speaker Chanku cited a clause of the Fundamental Laws that states the Underhusen must elect a member of their own.

    The intense debate lasted for more than 48 hours before Skrifa North motioned to table the resolution. The motion passed with the seconds of Katie and Syraj. It is unknown at what future date the Underhusen may return to this legislation and what solutions they may come up with.

    And now there is, in fact, one piece of legislation that ought to be mentioned and that is
    The Criminal Code
    The Criminal Code was the piece de resistance of Speaker Chanku, the magnum opus if you will. Its intention was to completely rewrite the criminal laws of Wintreath and institute a system that, according to the Speaker, made more sense and was simpler to navigate.

    To quote the speaker: “The main changes are the renaming of the three categories to Misdemeanors, Felonies, and Capital Crimes. Felonies have been split into three categories, called Classes, each one being more severe than the last. Certain Statutes have been extended, with others lowered. I have also criminalized a few new crimes, and reworded existing crimes.”

    There were several concerns raised, both within the discord chat and on the thread itself, ranging from the definition of “aggression” to the scope of the punishments for conspiracy. Sadly, the speaker did not respond to many of these concerns and… as per the Procedural Rules, a motion was required to be made after 5 days, which in this case was to table the law. This law may very well make an appearance again in following sessions, so be sure to keep an eye out.

    And that's a wrap! Be sure to come back for the next edition of the Underhusen Weekly Summary! Who knows, maybe we’ll have a new Officer of Information! Until then, have a great day! - Katie
    6 people like this post: Wintermoot, taulover, Arenado, Gerrick, Imaginative Kane, Syraj
    « Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 06:04:50 PM by Katie »
    Lady Katherine Ostergaard
    Countess of Osterfell, Matriarch of the Noble House of Ostergaard

    Discord: Katie#3933

      • Fmr. Thane of WA Affairs
      • Fmr. Jarl of Foreign Affairs
      • Fmr. Skrifa in the 29th-34th & 36th Sessions of the Underhusen
      • Fmr. Officer of Information in the 29th-34th Sessions of the Underhusen
      • Fmr. Speaker Pro Tempore in the 33rd Underhusen
      • Fmr. Thane of Integration
      • Fmr. Thane of Embassies

    • Fmr. Councillor of World Assembly Affairs in Cynosure
    • Fmr. Outreach Officer of the Rejected Realms
    • Fmr. Kaetunet of the 1st House of Commons of the Holy Reich of Bunicken
    • Fmr. Grand Councillor in Grand Central
    • Fmr. Local Councillor in the South Pacific
    • The Cheese
    • Posts: 730
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    • hoh
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      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Seeker of Knowledge
  • This looks wonderful! I've edited the additions into the Orendi draft, if you don't mind.
    1 person likes this post: Katie
    Citizen: 8 April 2015 - present
    From the Ashes RP Game Master: 29 November 2015 - 24 July 2018
    Skydande Vakt Marshal: 29 November 2015 - 28 February 2017
    Skrifa of the 13th Underhusen: 13 December 2015 - 8 February 2016
    RP Guild Councillor: 9 February 2016 - 6 March 2018
    Ambassador to Lovely: 23 February 2016 - 17 August 2016
    Werewolf VII co-host: 11 May 2016 - 5 June 2016
    Skrifa of the 18th Underhusen: 8 October 2016 - 7 December 2016
    Ambassador to Balder: 1 December 2016 - 1 March 2022
    Skrifa of the 19th Underhusen: 7 December 2016 - 9 February 2017
    Ambassador to the INWU: 11 March 2017 - 1 March 2022
    Ambassador to the Versutian Federation: 18 August 2017 - 22 March 2018
    Thane of Integration: 29 September 2017 - 7 March 2018
    Speaker of the 24th Underhusen: 10 October 2017 - 7 December 2017
    October 2017 Wintreath's Finest: 4 November 2017
    Speaker pro tempore of the 25th Underhusen: 9 December 2017 - 7 February 2018
    Wintreath's Finest of 2017: 6 January 2018
    Werewolf XIV host: 20 January 2018 - 23 February 2018
    February 2018 Wintreath's Finest: 5 March 2018
    Thane of Embassy Dispatches / Foreign Releases and Information / Foreign Dispatches: 7 March 2018 - 15 March 2020
    Speaker of the 28th Underhusen: 10 June 2018 - 7 August 2018
    Second Patriarch of the Noble House of Valeria: 10 October 2018 - present
    Arena Game 6 Host: 28 December 2018 - 9 March 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 29 January 2019 - 12 February 2019
    Speaker of the 32nd Underhusen: 12 February 2019 - 8 April 2019
    March 2019 Wintreath's Finest: 4 April 2019
    Librarian of the Underhusen: 12 April 2019 - 23 October 2020
    Commendation of Wintreath: 24 September 2020
    Peer of the Overhusen: 9 December 2020 - 8 February 2021
    Vice Chancellor of the Landsraad: 26 May 2021 - 15 September 2022
    Arena Game 8 Host: 10 June 2021 - 19 July 2021
    June 2021 Wintreath's Finest: 5 July 2021
    Regional Stability Squad: 28 February 2023 - present
    Minecraft Server Admin: 8 March 2023 - present

    Aura Hyperia/New Hyperion:
    Plebeian: 16 April 2014 - 21 July 2014
    Patrician: 21 July 2014 - present
    Adeptus Mechanicus: 24 October 2014 - 16 November 2014
    Co-founder of New Hyperion: 29 October 2014 - present
    Lord of Propaganda: 16 November 2014 - present
    Mapmaker for Official Region RP: 27 November 2015 - present
    WACom Delegate: 11 November 2017 - present
    Other positions: Hyperian Guardsman, Hyperian Marine (Rank: Scout)
    • Seeker of Knowledge
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      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
  • Former Citizen
  • The Cheese
  • This looks wonderful! I've edited the additions into the Orendi draft, if you don't mind.
    Not at all, go right ahead
    1 person likes this post: taulover
    Lady Katherine Ostergaard
    Countess of Osterfell, Matriarch of the Noble House of Ostergaard

    Discord: Katie#3933

      • Fmr. Thane of WA Affairs
      • Fmr. Jarl of Foreign Affairs
      • Fmr. Skrifa in the 29th-34th & 36th Sessions of the Underhusen
      • Fmr. Officer of Information in the 29th-34th Sessions of the Underhusen
      • Fmr. Speaker Pro Tempore in the 33rd Underhusen
      • Fmr. Thane of Integration
      • Fmr. Thane of Embassies

    • Fmr. Councillor of World Assembly Affairs in Cynosure
    • Fmr. Outreach Officer of the Rejected Realms
    • Fmr. Kaetunet of the 1st House of Commons of the Holy Reich of Bunicken
    • Fmr. Grand Councillor in Grand Central
    • Fmr. Local Councillor in the South Pacific
    • The Cheese
    • Posts: 730
    • Karma: 722
    • hoh
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Familial House
      Wintreath Nation
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