Post #131719
September 26, 2018, 11:10:04 PM
1) Hello! I am Czechoslovakia! I was lead here by the rebirth of Alinek, because my old region, The Free Nations Region, collapsed. I came back to NationStates, hoping to find a new home. I found one, right here in Wintreath. I am generally Conservative, and I stand proud of that. The stuff I would like to do as citizen is just normal stuff, like voting in elections and stuff like that.
2) Eastern Time Zone, USA.
3) I came here from a telegram, sent by Wintermoot.
4) Wintreath just seemed interesting, and I was desperate of finding a new home.
Section II: NationStates
5) The Kingdom of Alinek
6) No.
7) No, I've been playing for about a year now.
Ok, bye!