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June 2018 Storting and Thane Results!
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
  • Elections have just ended and we're ready to get started with the new summer season...the only thing left to do is announce who will be part of the government for it, and that's, uh, what this topic is for. :D

    Somewhat surprisingly, the Underhusen election saw the most activity, with 19 ballots being cast, making this the most active election since October 2016. This session of the Underhusen will have four seats, and those seats will be filled by @taulover, @Doc, @Mathyland, and @Chanku! Congrats!

    17 - taulover
    16 - Doc
    14 - Mathyland
    12 - Chanku

    06 - Crushita
    11 - Abstain (and no, changing your name to Abstain doesn't entitle you to the votes, lol)

    The next session of the Overhusen will also see some changes. I am reconfirming the appointments of myself, @Wuufu, and @Aragonn, and further appoint @Cinciri and @Abstain (trader). This will make for a full Overhusen for the first time in awhile, and possibly the first time the Overhusen has been larger than the Underhusen. Congratulations to all! I'm proud to have each of you (and of course myself ;)) as my representatives when it comes to legislative matters. :)

    Also, I want to thank @Laurentus for his service in the Overhusen in the last term. it always sucks to lose someone as talented and driven as Laurentus to real life, but I hope that he'll be able to return to us in the future and be part of the community once again. :)

    Thane of Gaming
    As you know, this was the only competitive thaneship after nominations, with all others being determined by default or remaining vacant. This election was subdued compared to the Underhusen election, but remained competitive. In the end though, @Gattoartico pulled it out and won re-election. Congrats!

    07 - Gattoartico
    03 - Kane lives
    4 people like this post: Mathyland, taulover, Imaginative Kane, Wuufu
    « Last Edit: June 07, 2018, 05:27:53 PM by Wintermoot »

    I went all the way to Cassadega to commune with the dead
    They said "You'd better look alive"
    • The Greyscale Magi-Monk
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  • Congrats everyone!
    Peace through Power!!!
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  • Congratulations!
    Red Mones
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  • Technically, even if changing his name did get him all those sick Abstain votes, he wouldn't have been elected anyway.

    Props to my colleagues, mad props to myself obvs, and my condolences to Crush. We'll just have to burn the house down next time, bud. Additional condolences to Kane, since I'm on the subject, but hopefully you still try and do your Jackbox nights, since that might inspire some votes your way the next time.

    And of course, congratulations to the OH appointees, except Moot because appointing yourself is legally masturbatory, a phrase I can now proudly say I've used in an actual sentence and our Thane of Gaming, Gatto.
    1 person likes this post: Mathyland
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  • Congratulations all! Good luck.
    I Hope You Have A Nice Day :]
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