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The End - A Multiverse RP (Interest)
Posts: 5 Views: 1094

  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • The worlds have collapsed amongst each other.  Different universes, different eras, and planes of existence have come together, forming a new mixture of a world.  You are one of many from any of these different pieces of time and space that has woken up to this new life, a life of limitless forms of life from different walks of life...both real and what was once thought to be the work of fiction.  Whether you were once a giant lizard bent on destroying cities, a woman with a set of guns and a mission to navigate ancient ruins, a simple sentient toaster, or a little fire-breathing dragon with a dragonfly friend, your life has forever changed.

    As you and your companions open your eyes and review your surroundings, you can’t help but wonder...why has this happened?  Will you ever be able to return to the home you once knew, or will it be like this forever?  Who or what is responsible for this?  Can you fix what has happened? Or will this truly be the end?

    So, I was thinking of a sort of mish-mash RP (at first as a sort of joke), and this came to mind.  This is the bare-basic idea for the RP, and if there's enough interest then I could draw up the map of the world and flesh it out a bit.  Basically think of Kingdom Hearts, and then imagine that being thrown into the same universe as Silent Hill, Final Fantasy, Lord of the Rings, real life, middle ages England, and etc...  It's a conglomeration of places, people, and situations that can and probably may happen.  Things to keep in mind:

    *Player characters that wake up in this new land (which all characters you sign up for will be) are stripped of the thing that would make them powerful or OP.  Examples include (but are not limited to)
    -Colossal monsters are reduced to the size of a 6"1 human.  Meaning there would be no crushing of enemies, though enemies could still crush you.
    -Magical powers would be reduced to basic non-lethal spells.  Meaning there would be no instant death spells, no instant force fields, or anything that would give you a huge OP edge over enemies.  Think the most basic spells (IE a minor cure spell, a basic cutting/fireball spell that would do little damage), and that's what you'd have.
    -God statuses or powers would disappear.  Any Saiyans would lose their ability to transform into Super Saiyans, and they would be reduced purely to just being decent at martial arts.

    So basically, anything that would give the player character a big edge over the other players against enemies wouldn't exist.  You'd all be basic simple-stat characters on a very equal playing field.  Think of when you play an RPG, and how at Lvl 1 you start off with a simple sword and are somewhat easy to kill off until you gain experience.

    That's you.  You're that Lvl 1 character, no matter who you choose.  Whether you choose a Killbot, Cthulu, God himself, or another all powerful being, you will be completely stripped of your powers/feats until you're a basic lvl 1 type being.  If you choose a killbot, you basically are stripped of your weapons/features that let you easily kill.  If you're God, well then you're a basic mortal God.

    Now, that's not to say you'll never gain anything special and that you'll always be a basic character.  Along this RP, as you fight and press on in your quest, you may come across items (at the GM's discretion) that may bolster your character a bit more.  After all, you can't face possibly the greatest threat in the Space/Time continuum with nothing, right?


    *There is no specific tone for this RP.

    Some RPs are serious, some are humorous, some are odd, some are straightforward.

    This, being a mixture of different elements, worlds, and beings follows suit in that regard.  Lara Croft is a serious person, but she also has a mountain of sass to her.  Link from Legend of Zelda doesn't normally talk, and if you decide to run with that...people are going to find that odd and might make jokes out of it.  Or they might decide to go with it and act like they know what you're saying, or it could be a mix of both of those things.

    Basically, this will be a mix of tones based on the characters chosen.  Since the choice of characters is infinite (it can literally be anyone from anything, a random sentient object, or an original character), there isn't going to be a set tone.  It can be as dark and gritty as a Christopher Nolan Batman movie, it can be more off the wall like an MCU movie, or a mix of other tones.

    Questions? Anything I missed? Anything you want more elaboration on? Feel free to ask in here, and I'm happy to provide more info.
    2 people like this post: Gerrick, Imaginative Kane
    My Wintreath Resumé
    • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Very interesting. I feel like this could definitely work for an overall more light-hearted RP, which could be a good change of pace after all of the more serious ones we've had in the past. So the premise is that we're all thrown into this world and then have to work together to figure out what the hell is going on and how to get back home?

    So what role will you as the LM play? Will you play a character in the crew who leads us to what's next or will you be more of the omniscient narrator that presents settings to explore and problems to overcome?

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • I've been giving that some thought.  At the moment I'm leaning in more as wanting to be a character in the RP, but I've considered the narrator role and seeing how things would unfold as well.

    But yeah, at the moment I'm steering more towards taking part with everyone.

    And yes, the premise is figure out what's causing the event, and figuring out how to fix it and restore everything to the way it once was...otherwise there'll be no home to return to.
    1 person likes this post: Gerrick
    My Wintreath Resumé
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    The biggest crossover in history? :P
    2 people like this post: Imaginative Kane, Michi
  • Regional Stability Squad
  • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
  • The biggest crossover in history? :P

    I mean, technically yes since literally anyone from anything can take part.  :))
    My Wintreath Resumé
    • Level 167 Caticorn God of Destruction
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