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Gattoartico Recommends
Posts: 1 Views: 275

  • Former Citizen
  • Idk tbh
  • In this thread I'm going to go through the games I have and review them for your guy's gaming pleasure. I'll tell you all a bit about the game and just what kind of a game it is. As such, there will be a lot of single player games and a number of multiplayer. All Steam games. I'll try to sneak in a couple of screenshots for y'all.

     However, no guarantee that they will be games you guys go for, or for that matter games that have actually finished development.

    So in the next post I'll start it up!
    2 people like this post: taulover, Imaginative Kane
    « Last Edit: January 21, 2018, 03:09:23 AM by Gattoartico »
    End of Time

    I remember there in the dawn,
    When the suns rose and rose,
    That never could I know,
    A sight more grand than this.

    Now I sit here in the dusk,
    While the suns die and die,
    That never will I see a sight more sad,
    Or a sight more beautiful.
    • Idk tbh
    • Posts: 774
    • Karma: 278
    • Never did we fear the sun, for we were the heathen kings of old.
    • Former Citizen
    • Pronouns
      Wintreath Nation
    Pages: [1]