Post #113789
December 04, 2017, 03:36:32 AM
There's a lot of talk about potatoes nowadays, some may even attempt to ride the spud's holiness for cheap, instant popularity. Not me, I'm a genuine, true believer! I have worked my small, humble plot of land and planted my own potatoes. Now however, the winter is coming, and time of growing potatoes has ceded. Little work as important as growing potatoes is around, but serving you, my dear fellow citizens, would be just that.
I'm not an authority when it comes to our faith, nor am I a star of our meritocracy. I can't promise you much, but all I have, will be yours. Vote for me and you won't get a shining relic, you'll get a greasy cog. Place your faith in me, and I'll keep the potatoes coming!
Disbelievers need not worry, I wholeheartedly respect and support your freedom to choose your own path. I don't seek to bring oppression or mandates. I wish to promote growth and progress through co-operation and understanding, both in faith and politics.
We need to facilitate participation, it's the natural road to lasting contribution. Allow a man to do something and behold, he might actually do it!