Post #91946
February 01, 2017, 06:09:44 AM
So I'm back deariez! So let's get down to business.
1.)What is the name of my Wintreath Nation: The Dominion of Epineo
2.)Do I have any nations in other regions: I don't have any other nations at all.
3.)Am I new to NationStates: Nope
4.)Would I like a mentor: Not really.
5.)What timezone am I in? Eastern Standard Time if I remember correctly.
6.)How did I find out about Wintreath: I found out through my little brother to start. This is my second time around the block though.
7.)What interested me in becoming a citizen: I missed y'all. Been picking up and settling into my life. Figured I could give y'all the time required now that I am back to a semblance of a somewhat functional human being.