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Red Ink - Game of doors and panic (Interest)
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  • Deep-fried cabbage
  • I'd like to give running an RP game a shot, so I designed my own game to suit my inexperience and other shortcomings. Let's see if anyone is interested. (One might actually argue that picking an existing game to run would be easier, lol. Learning vs. creating.)


    Players share the same maze of more than 150 rooms. Each room has one or more doors and most rooms are not empty. The maze is also a home for various creatures. There is only one exit, and it's locked.

    A dice will determine the success of player's actions, for example their chances of spotting vital clues when inspecting items. Whenever a player repeats the same task (for e.g. inspect the same item again) or meets another player, the creature closest to them starts moving towards them, and will continue to do so until there is more than five doors between it and the player(s). Both players and creatures alike make noise when they get closer, so players know when they need to run or take a gamble and see what's behind the door.

    The depth of RP will mostly be up to the players. They may simply state their basic actions (move somewhere, look at something), or they may get creative and see what happens. As long as I rule their actions feasible, the dice will decide if they are successful or not. Players will be rewarded with clues and items.

    There is no magic or other supernatural phenomenons.

    Turns are limited by the unknown, so players may perform as many actions they know the end result for. Opening doors and anything that will need a dice to decide the outcome are turn ending actions.

    While the maze is the same for everyone, the victory condition (and content of rooms) is not. Only players who meet each other may gain shared victory conditions. This means that each player has to find their own way out, seeing the clues other players find doesn't help anyone.

    If there is any interest, I will try to set the game up as soon as possible. New players will be able to join at any point, so missing the start of the game will not be a problem.

    It's a pretty spammy game, but I think it still fits in the actual big boys' RP section. If not.. well there's always the dumpling grounds. :-\
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • "The dumpling grounds" :)). This does sound interesting and could generate a lot of activity. But, I'm not sure if this would really be an rp. Then again, it's not really a spam game --  sounds more like a game like werewolf.

    Perhaps it could be made into an rp if people had to create characters, and the story was more than just posting what move you wanted to do and whether or not it succeeded.
    1 person likes this post: Sapphiron

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
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  • Scarlet Petal Floats
  • I would be interested.
    Perhaps it could be made into an rp if people had to create characters, and the story was more than just posting what move you wanted to do and whether or not it succeeded.
    • Scarlet Petal Floats
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  • I suppose it is more like a game than an RP, hmm. I could ask players to submit character profiles and use those to decide if their actions are feasible, but there may be inherently too little interaction between players for this to be ever considered an RP.

    My thought was to let each player choose themselves how much depth they want, so all kinds of players could participate.

    On the other hand it's not going to be as simple as just to navigate a labyrinth. I have tricks up in my sleeve. Perhaps I should just fire the thing up and we'd see where it'd end up gravitating more to?
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • My Dear Jean-Luc!
  • So it's like D&D?
    Sir Robin of Camelot

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    (I stole this format from tau, but who am I not to copy a great system? :-) )

    Ne Crustumini quidem atque Antemnates pro ardore iraque Caeninensium satis se impigre movent; ita per se ipsum nomen Caeninum in agrum Romanum impetum facit. Sed effuse vastantibus fit obvius cum exercitu Romulus levique certamine docet vanam sine viribus iram esse.
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  • According to the incredibly little I know about D&D, I think so. At least I was inspired by what I have seen in The Big Bang Theory (they play D&D, I believe).

    (The rest of the inspiration comes from Nethack and the movie trilogy "Cube".)
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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  • Perhaps allow people to choose a perk or something to allow more customization for another rp aspect. Like better (or worse) chances of succeeding at different dice roll actions, etc. Or they could have a chance of finding an item that does something along these lines.

    Duke of Wintreath and Count of Janth
    Patriarch of the Noble House of Burdock
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  • My revised plan now includes character profiles with following details:

    -   What is your name?
    -   How old are you?
    -   What were you wearing last night?
    -   What were you carrying last night?
    -   What is your profession?
    -   What are your hobbies?
    -   What is your physical condition?
    -   Do you have illnesses?
    -   How tall are you, how much you weigh?
    -   What sort of personality you have?

    + Any additions players feel are relevant. These, excluding names, are all details that I feel I can incorporate into the game.

    Should be sufficient?
    • Deep-fried cabbage
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