Post #3358
December 30, 2013, 04:46:35 AM
Section I: Ambassador Information1) Who are you and what region do you represent? - Shizensky, founder of the Renegade Islands Alliance
2) Are you replacing an ambassador from this region? If so, who? - No
3) Does your region already have relations with us, or are you requesting an embassy as well? - We are requesting an embassy.
Section II: Embassy InformationFill this out ONLY if requesting a new embassy1) What made your region decide to pursue relations with Wintreath? - Charax recently registered on our forum as an ambassador. It seemed fitting to return the favor
2) How do you feel our regions can help each other in the future? - The general sharing of cultures and good ideas could be a positive for both of us. Additionally, our mutual allegiance to Defending may also lead to a mutually beneficial military relationship.
3) What is your region's military stance? (defender, raider, imperialist, neutral, etc) - Defender
4) Do you have an off-site forum? If so, provide a link.